So this is the question to find longest path of 1s in a matrix of 0s and 1s from starting coordinates to the ending coordinates.
Here is the solution I figured out somehow and which I understand as well (almost). Though I am having trouble understanding one line of this:
function longestPath02(matrix, startPosition, endPosition) {
let maxDistance = 0;
const visited = {};
function isValidCoordinate(i, j) {
// check if the coordinates are in valid range
// if (i < 0 || i > matrix.length - 1 || j > matrix[0].length - 1 || j < 0) return false;
if (i > matrix.length - 1 || i < 0 || j > matrix[0].length - 1 || j < 0) return false;
// check if the coordinate is one AND not visited
if ((matrix[i] || [])[j] !== 1 || visited[`${i},${j}`]) return false;
return true;
function calculate(startPosition, endPosition, distance) {
const [i, j] = startPosition;
const [x, y] = endPosition;
if (i === x && j === y) {
maxDistance = Math.max(distance, maxDistance);
visited[`${i},${j}`] = true;
if (isValidCoordinate(i 1, j)) calculate([i 1, j], endPosition, distance 1);
if (isValidCoordinate(i - 1, j)) calculate([i - 1, j], endPosition, distance 1);
if (isValidCoordinate(i, j 1)) calculate([i, j 1], endPosition, distance 1);
if (isValidCoordinate(i, j - 1)) calculate([i, j - 1], endPosition, distance 1);
visited[`${i},${j}`] = false; //