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RDD Pipe operation converts each Row to a string. How to convert back to row


I am using PySpark to pipe an RDD out to an external process (stdin/stdout).

piped_rdd = rdd.pipe(exe_path)

When I examine the returned PipeLineRDD all rows have been converted to strings

["Row(ID='x123223=', FirstName='L', LastName='S')", "Row(ID='43454".....)]

Is it possible to convert these strings back into proper rows?

CodePudding user response:

We could use eval(). I tested the following which seems to work on the sample data.

val_ls = [
    "Row(ID='x123223=', FirstName='L', LastName='S')", 
    "Row(ID='x123224=', FirstName='K', LastName='P')"

def evalRow(theRowString):
    imports pyspark.sql.Row and uses `eval()` to resolve the Row strings
    from pyspark.sql import Row

    return eval(theRowString)

spark.sparkContext.parallelize(val_ls).map(lambda k: evalRow(k)).collect()
# [Row(ID='x123223=', FirstName='L', LastName='S'),
# Row(ID='x123224=', FirstName='K', LastName='P')]

I checked the type of the results

set(spark.sparkContext.parallelize(val_ls).map(lambda k: type(evalRow(k))).collect())
# {pyspark.sql.types.Row}

I was initially just importing Row without creating the function and used eval() directly in the map() --

from pyspark.sql import Row
spark.sparkContext.parallelize(val_ls).map(lambda k: eval(k)).collect()

I kept hitting the error NameError: name 'Row' is not defined. I think it is because we aren't importing Row on the workers and it does not know how to evaluate the eval("Row(...)")

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