CodePudding user response:
1. Disable task manager
The idea or through the registry to implement
Directly save as reg:
The Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System]
"DisableTaskMgr"=dword: 00000001
2. Hard disk or other hardware information, run by batch, save for the bat file
@ echo off
The title hardware detection
Mode con cols=90
Sc config winmgmt start=auto & gt; Nul 2 & lt; & 1
Net start winmgmt 2 & gt; 1 nul
Echo: the main
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic BASEBOARD get Manufacturer ^, Product ^, Version ^, SerialNumber/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"==="3" echo manufacturers % % b
If "! The tee!"=="4" echo number=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="5" echo sequence number=% % b
If "! The tee!" This==="6" version echo % % b
Set the tee=0
Echo the BIOS:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic BIOS get
, SMBIOSMajorVersion, SMBIOSBIOSVersion, Manufacturer CurrentLanguage ^ ^ ^ ^, SMBIOSMinorVersion ^, ReleaseDate/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"==="3" echo the current language % % b
If "! The tee!"==="4" echo manufacturers % % b
If "! The tee!"=="5" echo issue date=% % b
If "! The tee!" This==="6" version echo % % b
If "! The tee!"=="7" echo SMBIOSMajorVersion=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="8" echo SMBIOSMinorVersion=% % b
Set the tee=0
Echo CPU:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic CPU get name ^, ExtClock ^, CpuStatus ^, the Description/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!" Number==="3" echo CPU % % b
If "! The tee!"=="4" echo processor version=% % b
If "! The tee!" Outside=="5" echo frequency=% % b
If "! The tee!" Name=="6" echo and main frequency=% % b
Set the tee=0
Echo displays:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic DESKTOPMONITOR get name ^, ScreenWidth ^, ScreenHeight ^, PNPDeviceID/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"=="3" echo class=% % b
If "! The tee!"==="4" echo other information % % b
If "! The tee!" High==="5" echo screen % % b
If "! The tee!"=="6" echo screen width=% % b
Set the tee=0
Echo hard disk:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic DISKDRIVE get model ^, interfacetype ^, size ^, totalsectors ^, partitions/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"=="3" echo interface type=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="4" echo drive model=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="5" echo partition number=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="6" echo capacity amount=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="7" echo total sector=% % b
Echo partition information:
Wmic LOGICALDISK where mediatype='12' get the description, deviceid, filesystem, size, freespace
Set the tee=0
Echo network card:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic NICCONFIG where "index='1'" get ipaddress ^, macaddress ^, the description/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"=="3" echo card type=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="4" echo nic IP=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="5" echo network card MAC=% % b
Set the tee=0
Echo printer:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic PRINTER get caption/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"==="3" echo printer name % % b
Set the tee=0
The echo sound card:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic SOUNDDEV get name ^, deviceid/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"==="3" echo other information % % b
If "! The tee!"=="4" echo number=% % b
Set the tee=0
Echo in memory:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' systeminfo ^ | find "memory" ') do (
Echo % % 4534% % b
Echo show card:
Del/f "% TEMP % \ TEMP. TXT" 2 & gt; Nul
Dxdiag/t % TEMP % \ TEMP. TXT
: video card
Rem need 30 seconds here!
For/f ", "tokens=1, 2, * delims=% % a in (' findstr searches/c:" Card name: "c:/" Display Memory: "c:/" Current Mode: "" % TEMP % \ TEMP. TXT") do (
The set/a tee +=1
If! The tee!==1 echo video card type: % % b
If! The tee!==2 echo memory size: % % b
If! The tee!==3 echo current Settings: % % b
)) else (
Ping/n 2, 127.1 & gt; Nul
Goto graphics
The set/var=p do you need any additional information (y/n) :
If/var I % %==y notepad "% TEMP % \ TEMP. TXT"
Del/f "% TEMP % \ TEMP. TXT" 2 & gt; Nul
CodePudding user response:
In other words, to change the Windows system, it is to access and modify the registry data? And the task manager, registry access denied, how should do? In c # language is rightCodePudding user response: