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Can use the code changes win10 system, such as disable task manager and obtain information on the system hard disk

CodePudding user response:

1. Disable task manager


The idea or through the registry to implement

Directly save as reg:
The Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System]
"DisableTaskMgr"=dword: 00000001

2. Hard disk or other hardware information, run by batch, save for the bat file

@ echo off
The title hardware detection
Mode con cols=90
Sc config winmgmt start=auto & gt; Nul 2 & lt; & 1
Net start winmgmt 2 & gt; 1 nul
Echo: the main
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic BASEBOARD get Manufacturer ^, Product ^, Version ^, SerialNumber/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"==="3" echo manufacturers % % b
If "! The tee!"=="4" echo number=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="5" echo sequence number=% % b
If "! The tee!" This==="6" version echo % % b
Set the tee=0
Echo the BIOS:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic BIOS get
, SMBIOSMajorVersion, SMBIOSBIOSVersion, Manufacturer CurrentLanguage ^ ^ ^ ^, SMBIOSMinorVersion ^, ReleaseDate/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"==="3" echo the current language % % b
If "! The tee!"==="4" echo manufacturers % % b
If "! The tee!"=="5" echo issue date=% % b
If "! The tee!" This==="6" version echo % % b
If "! The tee!"=="7" echo SMBIOSMajorVersion=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="8" echo SMBIOSMinorVersion=% % b
Set the tee=0
Echo CPU:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic CPU get name ^, ExtClock ^, CpuStatus ^, the Description/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!" Number==="3" echo CPU % % b
If "! The tee!"=="4" echo processor version=% % b
If "! The tee!" Outside=="5" echo frequency=% % b
If "! The tee!" Name=="6" echo and main frequency=% % b
Set the tee=0
Echo displays:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic DESKTOPMONITOR get name ^, ScreenWidth ^, ScreenHeight ^, PNPDeviceID/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"=="3" echo class=% % b
If "! The tee!"==="4" echo other information % % b
If "! The tee!" High==="5" echo screen % % b
If "! The tee!"=="6" echo screen width=% % b
Set the tee=0
Echo hard disk:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic DISKDRIVE get model ^, interfacetype ^, size ^, totalsectors ^, partitions/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"=="3" echo interface type=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="4" echo drive model=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="5" echo partition number=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="6" echo capacity amount=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="7" echo total sector=% % b
Echo partition information:
Wmic LOGICALDISK where mediatype='12' get the description, deviceid, filesystem, size, freespace
Set the tee=0
Echo network card:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic NICCONFIG where "index='1'" get ipaddress ^, macaddress ^, the description/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"=="3" echo card type=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="4" echo nic IP=% % b
If "! The tee!"=="5" echo network card MAC=% % b
Set the tee=0
Echo printer:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic PRINTER get caption/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"==="3" echo printer name % % b
Set the tee=0
The echo sound card:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' wmic SOUNDDEV get name ^, deviceid/value ') do (
The set/a tee +=1
If "! The tee!"==="3" echo other information % % b
If "! The tee!"=="4" echo number=% % b
Set the tee=0
Echo in memory:
For/f "tokens=1, * delims==" % % a in (' systeminfo ^ | find "memory" ') do (
Echo % % 4534% % b
Echo show card:
Del/f "% TEMP % \ TEMP. TXT" 2 & gt; Nul
Dxdiag/t % TEMP % \ TEMP. TXT
: video card
Rem need 30 seconds here!
For/f ", "tokens=1, 2, * delims=% % a in (' findstr searches/c:" Card name: "c:/" Display Memory: "c:/" Current Mode: "" % TEMP % \ TEMP. TXT") do (
The set/a tee +=1
If! The tee!==1 echo video card type: % % b
If! The tee!==2 echo memory size: % % b
If! The tee!==3 echo current Settings: % % b
)) else (
Ping/n 2, 127.1 & gt; Nul
Goto graphics
The set/var=p do you need any additional information (y/n) :
If/var I % %==y notepad "% TEMP % \ TEMP. TXT"
Del/f "% TEMP % \ TEMP. TXT" 2 & gt; Nul

CodePudding user response:

In other words, to change the Windows system, it is to access and modify the registry data? And the task manager, registry access denied, how should do? In c # language is right

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor qq_38192387 response:
that is to say, want to change the Windows system, is to access and modify the registry data? And the task manager, registry access denied, how should do? Is to use c # language right

Can understand it, this also is the convenient way to implement, the registry access denied need to modify the corresponding rights, is to use c # language,