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How can I create multiple trigger events in Google Sheet for a single sendMailEdit function?


I am currently trying to write a script that will send an email to different people when different columns are edited.

For example, if column A is edited, an email should be sent to [email protected]. If column B is edited, an email should be sent to [email protected]

I've written a script that works when sending an email to one person, but when I try add another trigger event, the script stops working.

Here is what I have so far:

function sendMailEdit(e){
   var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("REVIEW");
   if (e.range.columnStart != 8) return;
   const rData = e.source.getActiveSheet().getRange(e.range.rowStart,1,1,20).getValues();
   let sub = rData[0][2];
   let sta = rData[0][3];
   let pos = rData[0][4];
   let dep = rData [0][5];
   let jur = rData [0][6];
   let acc = rData [0][7];
   let rem = rData [0][14];
   let msg = 'A new account access request has been added to ';
       msg ='<a href="' SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getUrl() '#gid=' e.source.getActiveSheet().getSheetId() '">TEST GLOBAL - Account Access</a>';
       msg ='<br>●Submitter: '   sub;
       msg ='<br>●Email: '   sta;
       msg ='<br>●Staff Position: '   pos;
       msg ='<br>●Department: '   dep;
       msg ='<br>●Jurisdiction: '   jur;
       msg ='<br>●Account Access: '   acc;
     to: "[email protected]",
     subject: "Global - New Account Access Request",
     htmlBody: msg,
     noReply: true

   if (e.range.columnStart != 13 || e.value != "APPROVED") return;
   let msg2 = 'A new account access request has been added to ';
       msg2 ='<a href="' SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getUrl() '#gid=' e.source.getActiveSheet().getSheetId() '">TEST GLOBAL - Account Access</a>';
       msg2 = ' which has been aproved by the Business Operations Team.';
       msg2 ='<br>●Submitter: '   sub;
       msg2 ='<br>●Email: '   sta;
       msg2 ='<br>●Staff Position: '   pos;
       msg2 ='<br>●Department: '   dep;
       msg2 ='<br>●Jurisdiction: '   jur;
       msg2 ='<br>●Account Access: '   acc;
       msg2 ='<br>●Remarks: '   rem;
     to: "[email protected]",
     subject: "Global - New Account Access Request",
     htmlBody: msg2,
     noReply: true

CodePudding user response:

The return statement will exit your function and not execute any of the code in the lines below it

What you probably want is something like

 if (e.range.columnStart == 8){
     to: "[email protected]",
     subject: "Global - New Account Access Request",
     htmlBody: msg,
     noReply: true
else if(e.range.columnStart != 13 || e.value != "APPROVED"){
     to: "[email protected]",
     subject: "Global - New Account Access Request",
     htmlBody: msg2,
     noReply: true
  • The combination of if and else if means that the script checks first either the first if condition is fullfilled.
  • If the first condition is fullfilled, the script executes the respective code block (sending en email to AAA)
  • If the first condition is not fullfilled, the script jumps to the second conditional statement (else if)
  • If the second condition is fullfilled, the script executes the respective code block (sending en email to BBB)
  • If none of the two conditions is fullfilled, the script does not execute any of the respective code blocks
  • If both conditions are fullfilled - the script executes only the first code block, since the if else implies the the second code block is only executed ith the first condition is not fullfilled
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