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How to show a default value in a mat-select of a dynamic form?


I am updating a project to Angular 14 with Angular material, I have generated a generic form with several fields, but the mat-select does not keep the default option.

I am generating the dynamic FormControl from the component.ts, the text fields if the value is shown, but the mat-select is not.

This is my component.html:

<div  [formGroup]="formDialog" mat-dialog-content *ngFor="let column of data.columns">
    <mat-form-field *ngIf="column != 'province'">
        <input matInput [formControlName]="column" [placeholder]="column">
    <mat-form-field *ngIf="column == 'province'">
        <mat-label>{{ column }}</mat-label>
        <mat-select [formControlName]="column" (valueChange)="currProvince($event)"> 
            <mat-option *ngFor="let item of geoProvinces" [value]="item">
                {{ item.nm }}

This is my component.ts:

this.data.dataRow = {

ngOnInit(): void {


    let fieldControls = {};
    Object.entries(this.data.dataRow).forEach(([key, value]) => {
        fieldControls[key] = new FormControl(value || '');
    this.formDialog = new FormGroup(fieldControls)

This is the method where the provinces are obtained:

getGeoAPI(): void {
    this.genericService.getPath('geoApi').subscribe((elem: any) => {
      this.geoProvinces = elem.provinces

This is an example of this.geoProvinces:


This is a screenshot with the form shown:

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

The problem is that your mat-select is feed with an array of object and your formControl value is an string

I imagine you can use in your mat-select as value "item.nm" (or what-ever property you has in your array)

<mat-option *ngFor="let item of geoProvinces" [value]="item.nm">
      {{ item.nm }}

BTW if we can store an object we should use in the option [ngValue] instead [value]

Another option is that really you want to store in the formControl the "object", in this case you can add in your ngOnInit

Object.entries(this.data.dataRow).forEach(([key, value]) => {

this.formDialog = new FormGroup(fieldControls
const control=this.formDialog.get('province')
if (control && control.value)
   const province=this.geoProvinces.find(x=>x.nm==control.value)

CodePudding user response:

You shouldn't need to do any of that, if you initially gave a value to your formControlName, I believe it should be displaying it.
Try changing [formControlName]='column' to [formControlName]='province', this should work because you already gave it a value in your .ts file!

And don't use valueChange() use selectionChange()!

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