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Unable to insert inner tr in a row


I'm trying to make a live NBA scores website using HTML, CSS, and JS. I'm having trouble adding a inner tr under the game scores.

Here's what my table currently looks like: enter image description here

Here's my current code JS and HTML: (My current JS is building up the table and using innerHTML to modify the table under the tableData id)

      data  = `<tr>
      <td class = "left">${item.team1} <img src=${item.team1Img}></td>
      <td> ${item.score1} </td>
      <td> ${item.score2} </td>
      <td ><img src=${item.team2Img}>  ${item.team2}</td>

      <td colspan="2">${period}QR</td>
   <th style="width:40%; text-align:right;">Home</th>
   <th style="width:10%;" colspan="2">Scores</th>
   <th style="width:40%; text-align: left">Away</th>

 <tbody id="tableData">

Here's what I want it to look like (although centered better) and the code I used to build the example:

enter image description here

  <th width= 40% text-align= right;>Home</th>
  <th width= 20%; colspan= "2">Scores</th>
  <th width= 40%; text-align= left;>Away</th>

  <tbody id="tableData">

  <td rowspan="2">Celtics<img src=${item.team1Img}></td>
  <td rowspan="2"><img src=${item.team2Img}>Washington Wizards</td>
    <td colspan="2">3QR</td>

Basically, I'd like the "4QR" to be directly under the scores and still on the same row as the team names.

Thanks in advance!

CodePudding user response:

In your javascript template literal, you forgot to put the rowspan="2" and it's caused everything to shift over.

data  = `<tr>
  <td class = "left" rowspan="2">${item.team1} <img src=${item.team1Img}></td>
  <td> ${item.score1} </td>
  <td> ${item.score2} </td>
  <td  rowspan="2"><img src=${item.team2Img}>  ${item.team2}</td>

  <td colspan="2">${period}QR</td>

Table missing 2 cells

You'll notice your table as constructed is missing 2 cells. Once you "add" those two cells in with the "rowspan", it will all fit back into place.

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