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Please help me optimise this R function (I don't know how to use apply)


I need some help optimising a function. I'm aware that an apply function could speed this up, but I've never learned to use that family of functions properly and can't find advice online that I can follow easily to convert this ...

I have two data frames. They look like this (but each has >1 million rows).

12     463
12     5412
12     76123
431    276
431    200187
8521   23
8521   2001

10     67       876
12     4321     8724
12     8742     8910
277    10293    10599
8521   1068     3233

What I want do do is add a column to df.DP which indicates whether each row matching a CHR value from df.mask also has a POS value that is greater than df.mask START and lower than df.mask END. For example...

CHR    POS       mask
12     463       0
12     5412      1
12     76123     0
431    276       0
431    200187    0
8521   23        0
8521   2001      1

This is the function I've written:

index.masked <- function(df.DP, df.mask){
  #Create all 0s masked index column
  df.DP$masked = 0
  #Iterate over df
  for(i in 1:nrow(df.DP)){
    #Report progress
    #Check if df.DP$CHR[i] is in df.mask$CHR 
    if(df.DP$CHR[i] %in% df.mask$CHR){
      #Check if ith SNP is within masked range
      if(nrow(df.mask[which(df.mask$CHR == df.DP$CHR[i] & 
                            df.mask$START < df.DP$POS[i] & 
                            df.mask$END > df.DP$POS[i]),]) > 0){
        #Report progress
        #Set index column to 1
        df.DP$masked[i] <- 1
  #Return df.DP

Basically this is horribly slow. As I've said, each data frame has > 1 million rows. On top of that, I have multiple data frames on which I need to perform this operation.

If anyone could please show me how to make this faster I would be very grateful.

Here is some code to generate dummy data...

test.DP <- data.frame(CHR = c("12", "12", "23", "23", "23"), 
                      POS = c(245, 6542, 12, 564, 1874))
test.mask <- data.frame(CHR = c("12", "13", "23"), 
                        START = c(150, 717, 550), 
                        END = c(270, 871, 599))

When I run my function on this dummy data it works fine.

test1 <- index.masked(test.DP, test.mask)

> test1
  CHR  POS masked
1  12  245      1
2  12 6542      0
3  23   12      0
4  23  564      1
5  23 1874      0

With > 1M rows in each data frame, this is too slow though.

I have searched extensively and while I can find plenty of posts here asking for help with similar problems, I'm so unfamiliar with the apply functions and other approaches to solving things that I just can't follow what's been done and apply (no pun intended) it to my own situation.

Any help would be deeply appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

Thank you to @MrFlick - from the linked post I found a solution which I could piece together.

    new.function <- function(df.DP, df.mask){
      #Create ID column to index all rows
      df.DP$ID = 1:nrow(df.DP)
      #Create mask index column
      df.DP$masked = 0
      #Perform a merge to get SNPs in ranges
      in.ranges = subset(merge(df.DP, df.mask), START <= POS & POS <= END)
      #Use ID in in.ranges to change df.DP$masked to 1 for rows in masked ranges
      df.DP$masked[which(df.DP$ID %in% in.ranges$ID)] = 1
      #Return df.DP
      return(df.DP %>% select(-(ID)))
    test2 <- new.function(test.DP, test.mask)
      CHR  POS masked
1  12  245      1
2  12 6542      0
3  23   12      0
4  23  564      1
5  23 1874      0

      CHR  POS masked
1  12  245      1
2  12 6542      0
3  23   12      0
4  23  564      1
5  23 1874      0

The solution proposed by @Andre Wilberg looks like it's using a very similar approach. I will try the solution I've put together, and if it works then I'll mark this as the answer. If not, I will try @Andre's solution.

Thank you for your help, people :)

CodePudding user response:

You can try left_join from dplyr


left_join(df.DP, df.mask, "CHR") %>% 
  mutate(masked = (POS >= START & POS <= END) * 1, START = NULL, END = NULL)
  CHR  POS masked
1  12  245      1
2  12 6542      0
3  23   12      0
4  23  564      1
5  23 1874      0


df.DP <- structure(list(CHR = c("12", "12", "23", "23", "23"), POS = c(245,
6542, 12, 564, 1874)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

df.mask <- structure(list(CHR = c("12", "13", "23"), START = c(150, 717,
550), END = c(270, 871, 599)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

EDIT: On your original data it might be necessary to remove duplicated rows.

left_join(df.DP, df.mask, "CHR") %>% 
  mutate(masked = (POS >= START & POS <= END) * 1, START = NULL, END = NULL) %>% 
  distinct() %>% group_by(CHR, POS) %>% 
  filter(!(n() > 1 & masked == 0)) %>% 
# A tibble: 7 × 3
    CHR    POS masked
  <int>  <int>  <dbl>
1    12    463      0
2    12   5412      1
3    12  76123      0
4   431    276     NA
5   431 200187     NA
6  8521     23      0
7  8521   2001      1

ext. data

df.DP <- structure(list(CHR = c(12L, 12L, 12L, 431L, 431L, 8521L, 8521L
), POS = c(463L, 5412L, 76123L, 276L, 200187L, 23L, 2001L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

df.mask <- structure(list(CHR = c(10L, 12L, 12L, 277L, 8521L), START = c(67L,
4321L, 8742L, 10293L, 1068L), END = c(876L, 8724L, 8910L, 10599L,
3233L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L))

CodePudding user response:

A data.table non-equi join will be fast.

Example 1


test.DP <- data.frame(CHR = c("12", "12", "23", "23", "23"), 
                      POS = c(245, 6542, 12, 564, 1874))
test.mask <- data.frame(CHR = c("12", "13", "23"), 
                        START = c(150, 717, 550), 
                        END = c(270, 871, 599))

setDT(test.DP)[, mask := 0][setDT(test.mask), mask := 1, on = .(CHR == CHR, POS <= END, POS >= START)][]
#>    CHR  POS mask
#> 1:  12  245    1
#> 2:  12 6542    0
#> 3:  23   12    0
#> 4:  23  564    1
#> 5:  23 1874    0

Example 2

test.DP <- data.frame(CHR = c("12", "12", "12", "431", "431", "8521", "8521"), 
                      POS = c(463, 5412, 76123, 276, 200187, 23, 2001))
test.mask <- data.frame(CHR = c("10", "12", "12", "277", "8521"), 
                        START = c(67, 4321, 8742, 10293, 1068), 
                        END = c(876, 8724, 8910, 10599, 3233))

setDT(test.DP)[, mask := 0][setDT(test.mask), mask := 1, on = .(CHR == CHR, POS <= END, POS >= START)][]
#>     CHR    POS mask
#> 1:   12    463    0
#> 2:   12   5412    1
#> 3:   12  76123    0
#> 4:  431    276    0
#> 5:  431 200187    0
#> 6: 8521     23    0
#> 7: 8521   2001    1
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