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X cannot be declared in this scope X cannot be used before it's declared


I'm following the Microsoft tutorial to create a new HoloLens Unity app using Azure Spatial Anchors and the given code has some errors.

The errors
'distance' cannot be declared in this scope because that name is used in an enclosing local scope is the first encountered error. I tried to solve it by commenting float in front of distance but then I got Cannot use local variable 'distance' before it is declared Cannot infer the type of implicitly-typed deconstruction variable 'distance'.

private bool IsAnchorNearby(Vector3 position, out GameObject anchorGameObject)
    anchorGameObject = null;

    if (_foundOrCreatedAnchorGameObjects.Count <= 0)
        return false;

    //Iterate over existing anchor gameobjects to find the nearest
    var (distance, closestObject) = _foundOrCreatedAnchorGameObjects.Aggregate(
        new Tuple<float, GameObject>(Mathf.Infinity, null),
        (minPair, gameobject) =>
            Vector3 gameObjectPosition = gameobject.transform.position;
            float distance = (position - gameObjectPosition).magnitude;
            return distance < minPair.Item1 ? new Tuple<float, GameObject>(distance, gameobject) : minPair;

    if (distance <= 0.15f)
        //Found an anchor within 15cm
        anchorGameObject = closestObject;
        return true;
        return false;

What is wrong in this tutorial's code ?

CodePudding user response:

You have distance defined twice:

var (distance, closestObject)

and then:

float distance = (position - gameObjectPosition).magnitude;

Rename one or other.

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