I have a sbt g8 template that I customized for my projects and this is located as one of the sub project in a multi module scala sbt project which is assigned to my organization. For example.,
- projec1
- sbt-template-project.g8
- some-other-project
The main-project is available in my git repo and I would like to know how I can create a project from the sbt-template-project? I tried the following, but it says "Template Not Found":
sbt new file:https://github.com/my-organization/main-project/tree/master/sbt-template-project.g8
I also tried:
sbt new file:https://github.com/my-organization/main-project/sbt-template-project.g8
I also tried:
sbt new https://github.com/my-organization/main-project/sbt-template-project.g8
What is the correct way to generate the project out of the template?
EDIT: I even tried the following:
sbt new my-organization/main-project -d sbt-template-project-g8
Even that is failing with the message "Template not found"
CodePudding user response:
Your flow is basically not supported - see: http://www.foundweekends.org/giter8/template.html - Giter8 (and sbt new
) support only GitHub repositories where the template in either in the root directory or in src/main/g8
Your best option is to git clone it manually and then call sbt new
passing path to the subdirectory:
git clone https://github.com/my-organization/main-project tmp-template-dir
sbt new file://tmp-template-dir/sbt-template-project.g8
rm -rf tmp-template-dir
It is important that the directory name end with .g8