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Is this the correct way to update a propery in objects array state


I've got the code below and i wanna update name property in the object that has id 1. I'm updating with the code objArray[1].name = "Xxx". It perfectly works but is this correct? Should i use prevState with setObjArray. That looked so much easier what you think?

const [objArray, setObjArray] = useState([


CodePudding user response:

No this is not advisable. You have the useState second array element (setObjArray) for updating state. Read documentation for React useState . There are two basic ways but there isn't much difference. First method;

  const changeName = (id, newName) => {
    // map through the array and change the name of the element with the id you are targeting
    const changedArr = objArray.map((element) => {
      if (element.id === id) {
        return {
          name: newName,
      } else {
        return element;
    // set the returned array as you new state 

Second method;

  • You have access to the previous state. This way you can make changes on the previous state and return the new array as your new state.
 const newChangeName = (id, newName) => {
    setObjArray((prev) => {
      // map through the array and change the name of the element with the id you are targeting
      // set the returned array as you new state
      return prev.map((element) => {
        if (element.id === id) {
          return {
            name: newName,
        } else {
          return element;

Hope this helped.

CodePudding user response:

There are many ways to do this. Let me share one way to do this:

  1. Make a shallow copy of the array
let temp_state = [...objArray]; 
  1. Make a shallow copy of the element you want to mutate
let temp_element = { ...temp_state[0] };
  1. Update the property you're interested in
temp_element.name = "new name";
  1. Put it back into our array. N.B. we are mutating the array here, but that's why we made a copy first
temp_state[0] = temp_element;
  1. Set the state to our new copy
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