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Refactor regex for address validation


I have the following regex for postal address validation in my angular app.

const regx = '\\b([p]*(ost)*\\.*\\s*[o|0]*(ffice)*\\.*\\s*b[o|0]x)\\b'

I only wanted this regex to pass for

Match list:

  1. P.O.Box
  2. pobox
  3. post office box
  4. 1234 post office box street
  5. 123 postal office box

but it also matches for

Do not match list:

  1. box
  2. BOX
  3. poor box


How can I tighten this regex so it does not match the "Do not match list"? Also, I wanted my regex to be upgraded for things like postal office box or post office bin etc. Any inputs?

CodePudding user response:

With your shown samples please try following regex. Here is the Online Demo for used regex.


Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above regex.

^(?:                 ##Starting 1 non-capturing group from starting of the value.
  [0-9]*\s*          ##Matching 0 or more digits followed by 0 or more spaces.
  [pP]               ##Matching p OR P here.
  (?:\.O\.|o)        ##In a non-capturing group matching .O. OR o here.
  (?:st(?:al)?\soffice\s)*  ##In a non-capturing group matching st followed by spaces followed by office followed by spaces and keeping this non-capturing group Optional.
  [bB]ox             ##Matching b OR B followed by ox here.
  (?:\sstreet)?      ##In a non-capturing group matching space street and keep this optional.
)$                   ##Closing non-capturing group at the end of the value here.

CodePudding user response:

Here is another variant that should work for you:

/^(?:\d \s*)?p\.?o\.?(?:st(?:al)?)?(?:\s office)?\s*b(?:ox|in)\b.*/gmi

RegEx Demo

Since we we are using ignore case modifier here so we can use all lower case letters in our regex.

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