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Couldn't read property from data received from websocket?


I tried to add curves to visualise data from a python program connected to the app.js program via a websocket. The data is well retrieved through the websocket as it is continuously displayed in the boxes of panel 1.

The graph displays well in the panel when I set fixed values but when I want to insert data["fs"]["s1"]["twist"] from websocket data, I get the following error: App.js:51 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fs' of nul at WebSocket.<anonymous> (App.js:51)

What i have tried :

I have tried to put [data] in the useeffect function but this made the display buggy (the data was displayed with a high frequency) and the connection to the websocket server was breaking several times.

I also added a try,catch in the app.js file to see if data is null. This block consistently returns the same error for the fs property.

I added these line in socket.addEventListener and it worked : da=[{x:JSON.parse(event.data)["fs"]["s1"]["twist"],y:1},{x:JSON.parse(event.data)["fs"]["s2"]["twist"],y:2},{x:5.5,y:3},{x:5,y:4},{x:5,y:5}]; chart(da)

But when i added line console.log(data), it printed null in the console.

Question :

How do I get the data and insert it correctly into my chart without getting errors?

Here are the code :

Python :

import asyncio
import random
import datetime
import websockets
import json


async def handler(websocket, path):
    while True:
        for key1 in sv:
            for key2 in sv[key1]:
                sv[key1][key2]["entry"] = random.randint(1, 10)
                sv[key1][key2]["cfwd"] = random.randint(1, 10)
                sv[key1][key2]["camber"] = random.randint(1, 10)
                sv[key1][key2]["draft"] = random.randint(1, 10)
                sv[key1][key2]["caft"] = random.randint(1, 10)
                sv[key1][key2]["exit"] = random.randint(1, 10)
                sv[key1][key2]["twist"] = random.randint(1, 10)
                sv[key1][key2]["sag_lat"] = random.randint(1, 10)
                sv[key1][key2]["sag_long"] = random.randint(1, 10)        
        #data = [random.randint(0, 20) for _ in range(10)]
        await websocket.send(json.dumps(sv))
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

start_server = websockets.serve(handler, "localhost", 8000)


App.js :

import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useSyncExternalStore } from 'react';
import Modal from './Modal/Modal'
import {Chart as ChartJS,LinearScale,PointElement,LineElement,Tooltip,Legend} from 'chart.js';
import {Scatter } from 'react-chartjs-2';
//<Doughnut ref={chartReference} data={data} />

export default function App() {
  let da;
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);
  const [chartData,setChartData]=useState({
    datasets: [
          label: 'A dataset',
          data: [{x:3,y:1},{x:10,y:2},{x:5.5,y:3},{x:50,y:4},{x:5,y:5}],
          backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)',
          borderColor: '#df9305'
  const [show,setShow] = useState(false);

  const chart=(d) =>{
        datasets: [
              label: 'A dataset',
              data: d,
              backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)',
              borderColor: '#df9305'
  useEffect(() => {
    const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8000');

    socket.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
try {
        let twist = data["fs"]["s1"]["twist"];
        // use the twist variable to update 
      } catch (err) {
        // handle the error or show a default 
  }, []);
  return (
            <div className="home">
                <div className="template-1" id="temp1">
                    <div className="panel-1">
                    <div className="panel-header">
                    <i className='bx bx-cog modal-trigger-panel'></i>
                    <div className="panel-body">
                    <div className="sec-5 modal-trigger-data" id="fs-sec-5" onClick={()=>setShow(true)}>
                        {data ? <span  id="h1-fs-s5">{data["fs"]["s5"]["twist"]}</span> : <span  id="h1-fs-s5">--</span>}
                    <div className="sec-4 modal-trigger-data" id="fs-sec-4" onClick={()=>setShow(true)}>
                        {data ? <span  id="h1-fs-s4">{data["fs"]["s4"]["twist"]}</span> : <span  id="h1-fs-s4">--</span>}
                    <div className="sec-3 modal-trigger-data" id="fs-sec-3" onClick={()=>setShow(true)}>
                        {data ? <span  id="h1-fs-s3">{data["fs"]["s3"]["twist"]}</span> : <span  id="h1-fs-s3">--</span>}
                    <div className="sec-2 modal-trigger-data" id="fs-sec-2" onClick={()=>setShow(true)}>
                        {data ? <span  id="h1-fs-s2">{data["fs"]["s2"]["twist"]}</span> : <span  id="h1-fs-s2">--</span>}
                    <div className="sec-1 modal-trigger-data" id="fs-sec-1" onClick={()=>setShow(true)}>
                        {data ? <span  id="h1-fs-s1">{data["fs"]["s1"]["twist"]}</span> : <span  id="h1-fs-s1">--</span>}

                <div >
                    <div >
                    <i class='bx bx-cog modal-trigger-panel'></i>
                    <div >
                    <Scatter options={{showLines:true,legend:{display:false}}} data={chartData} />
                <Modal onClose={() => setShow(false)} show={show} />


CodePudding user response:

It seems that the error is occurring because the "data" variable is not defined or is null when you are trying to access the "fs" property. To fix this, you can check if the "data" variable is defined and not null before trying to access the "fs" property. You can do this by using an if statement to check if the "data" variable is defined and not null before trying to access the "fs" property. Additionally, you can try to use a try-catch block to handle the error and prevent it from crashing the program. Here's an example of how you can do this:

if (data && data["fs"] && data["fs"] 
["s1"]) {
    let twist = data["fs"]["s1"] 
    // use the twist variable to update 
 your chart
} else {
    // handle the error or show a default 
value for the chart


try {
  let twist = data["fs"]["s1"]["twist"];
  // use the twist variable to update 
  your chart
} catch (err) {
  // handle the error or show a default 
 value for the chart

It's also worth noting that you should make sure the data is being correctly passed to the app.js file and that the structure of the data is correct.

CodePudding user response:

It's possible that the problem is not with the data being passed, but with how the data is being handled in the app.js file. The error message suggests that the "data" variable is null when you are trying to access the "fs" property. One possible cause for this could be that the "data" variable is not being set correctly in your app.js file.

I would recommend checking the following:

Make sure that the "data" variable is correctly being set from the websocket message. You can check this by adding a console log statement to print the value of "data" when the websocket message is received.

Make sure that the "data" variable is correctly referenced in the useEffect function. It's possible that you might be referencing the wrong variable.

Make sure that the "data" variable is correctly referenced in the useEffect function. You might also check if the value of data is correctly passed to useEffect function

Make sure that the data structure is the same as the one you expect. If the data structure is different, it might be causing the "fs" property to not exist on the "data" variable.

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