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Who is a great god help, this string of VBA code manually run error 400, consult


Sub CFGZB ()
Dim myRange As the Variant
Dim myArray on
Dim titleRange As Range
Dim the title As a String
Dim columnNum As Integer
MyRange=Application. InputBox (the prompt: "please select a title:"=, Type:=8)
MyArray on=WorksheetFunction. Transpose (myRange)
Set titleRange=Application. InputBox (=prompt: "please select split header, must be the first line, and as a cell, such as:" name ", "Type:=8)
Title=titleRange. Value
ColumnNum=titleRange. Column
Application. ScreenUpdating=False
Application. DisplayAlerts=False
Dim i& Myr& , Arr, num&
Dim d, k
For I=Sheets. Count To 1 Step 1
If Sheets (I). The Name & lt;> "Data source" Then
Sheets (I). The Delete
End the If
Next I
The Set d=CreateObject (" Scripting. The Dictionary ")
Myr=Worksheets (" source "). UsedRange. Rows. Count
Arr=Worksheets (" source "). The Range (Cells (2, columnNum), Cells (Myr, columnNum))
For I=1 To UBound (Arr)
D (Arr (I, 1))=""

K=d.k eys
For I=0 To UBound (k)
Set the conn=CreateObject (" adodb. Connection ")
Conn. Open the provider="Microsoft. Jet. The oledb. 4.0; Extended properties=8.0 excel; Data source="& amp; ThisWorkbook. FullName
Sql="select * from [source $] where" & amp; The title & amp; "='" & amp; K (I) & amp; "'
Worksheets. Add after:=Sheets (Sheets. Count)
With ActiveSheet
'With Sheets (Sheets. The Count - 1)
'With Worksheets (Sheets. Count)

'Name=k (I)

For num=1 To UBound (myArray on)

Cells (1, num)=myArray on (num, 1)

Next num

Range (" A2 ") CopyFromRecordset conn. Execute (Sql)
End With

Sheets (1). Select

Sheets (1). Cells. Select

Selection. Copy

Worksheets (Sheets. Count). Activate

ActiveSheet. Cells. Select
Selection. The PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

Application. CutCopyMode=False

Next I

Conn. Close

Set the conn=Nothing

Application. DisplayAlerts=True

Application. ScreenUpdating=True

End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Dizzy, just some of the code, must give a data available for commissioning, exactly is which line out the problem, then see err. Decrtiption will have the wrong words,