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Please help help the eldest brother!!!


The following two pieces of code can be annotated in the back to me,, look not to understand small white help bosses!!!!!!
The controller code:
# coding: utf-8
The from ryu. Base import app_manager
The from ryu. Controller import mac_to_port
The from ryu. Controller import ofp_event
The from ryu. Controller. Handler import CONFIG_DISPATCHER, MAIN_DISPATCHER
The from ryu. Controller. Handler import set_ev_cls
The from ryu. Ofproto import ofproto_v1_3
The from ryu. Lib. MAC import haddr_to_bin
The from ryu. Lib. Packet import packet
The from ryu. Lib. Packet import Ethernet
The from ryu. Lib. Packet import ether_types
The from ryu. Lib import MAC
The from ryu. Topology. API import get_switch, get_link
The from ryu. App. Wsgi import ControllerBase
The from ryu. Topology import event, switches
The from the collections import defaultdict

# switches
# mymac [srcmac] - & gt; (the switch port)
# adjacency map [sw1] [sw2] - & gt; The port from sw1 to sw2
Adjacency=defaultdict (lambda: defaultdict (lambda: None))

Def minimum_distance (short, Q) :
Min=float (' Inf ')
The node=0
For v in Q:
If short [v] Min=short [v]
The node=v
Return the node

Def get_path (SRC, DST, first_port final_port) :
# Dijkstra 's implementation
# print "get_path is called, SRC=" https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/, SRC, "DST, DST=", "first_port=", first_port, "final_port final_port=",
For dpid switches in:
Short [dpid]=float (' Inf ')
Previous [dpid]=None
Q=set (switches)
Print "Q=", Q
While len (Q) & gt; 0:
U=minimum_distance (short, Q)
Q.r emove (u)
For p in switches:
If adjacency [u] [p]!=None:
If short [u] + w & lt; Short [p] :
Short [p]=short [u] + w
The previous [p]=u
Of state Richard armitage ppend (p)
Q=previous [p]
While q is not None:
If the q==SRC:
Of state Richard armitage ppend (q)
Of state Richard armitage ppend (p)
Q=previous [p]
R.r everse ()
If src=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/=dst:
The else:
# Adding the ports
For s1, s2 in zip (path [: 1], the path [1]) :
Of state Richard armitage ppend ((s1, in_port out_port))
In_port=adjacency (s2) (s1)
Of state Richard armitage ppend ((DST, in_port final_port))
Return r

The class ProjectController (app_manager RyuApp) :
Def __init__ (self, * args, * * kwargs) :
Super (ProjectController, self) __init__ (* args, * * kwargs)
Self. Mac_to_port={}
Self. Topology_api_app=self
Self. Datapath_list=[]
# the Function that lists all the attributes in the given object
Def ls (self, obj) :
"\ n". Join ([x for x in dir (obj) if x [0]!="_"])
Def add_flow (self, datapath, in_port, DST, actions) :
Ofproto=datapath. Ofproto
Parser=datapath. Ofproto_parser
Match=datapath. Ofproto_parser. OFPMatch (in_port=in_port, eth_dst=DST)
Inst=[parser OFPInstructionActions (ofproto OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS, actions)]
Mod=datapath. Ofproto_parser. OFPFlowMod (datapath=datapath, match=match, cookie=0, the command=ofproto. OFPFC_ADD, idle_timeout=0, hard_timeout=0, priority=ofproto. OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, instructions=inst)
Datapath. Send_msg (mod)
Def install_path (self, p, ev, src_mac dst_mac) :
For z in p:
Shortest_path_route. Append (STR [0]) (z)
# print "" + STR (z)
MAC: print "source", src_mac, "destination MAC:" dst_mac, "the shortest path:", shortest_path_route
Datapath=MSG. Datapath
Ofproto=datapath. Ofproto
Parser=datapath. Ofproto_parser
For sw, in_port out_port in p:
# print src_mac, "- & gt;" , dst_mac, "via", sw, "in_port=" in_port, "out_port out_port=",
Match=parser. OFPMatch (in_port=in_port eth_src=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/src_mac, eth_dst=dst_mac)
The actions=[parser OFPActionOutput (out_port)]
Datapath=self. Datapath_list [int (sw) - 1)
Inst=[parser OFPInstructionActions (ofproto OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS, actions)]
Mod=datapath. Ofproto_parser. OFPFlowMod (
Datapath=datapath, match=match, idle_timeout=0, hard_timeout=0, priority=1, instructions=inst)
Datapath. Send_msg (mod)
@ set_ev_cls (ofp_event EventOFPSwitchFeatures CONFIG_DISPATCHER)
Def switch_features_handler (self, ev) :
Print "connection switch:" + STR (ev) MSG. Datapath. Id)
Datapath=ev. MSG. Datapath
Ofproto=datapath. Ofproto
Parser=datapath. Ofproto_parser
Match=parser. OFPMatch ()
The actions=[parser OFPActionOutput (ofproto. OFPP_CONTROLLER, ofproto. OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)]
Inst=[parser OFPInstructionActions (ofproto OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS, actions)]
Mod=datapath. Ofproto_parser. OFPFlowMod (
Datapath=datapath, match=match, cookie=0,
The command=ofproto OFPFC_ADD, idle_timeout=0, hard_timeout=0, priority=0, instructions=inst)
Datapath. Send_msg (mod)

@ set_ev_cls (ofp_event EventOFPPacketIn MAIN_DISPATCHER)
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