The static void vPeriodicTask (void * pvParameters)
For (;; )
VTaskDelay (500/portTICK_RATE_MS);
SEGGER_RTT_printf (0, "periodic task - About to generate an interrupt. \ r \ n");
The __asm {int 0 x82};
SEGGER_RTT_printf (0, "periddic task - Interrupt the generate. \ r \ n \ r \ n \ r \ n");
He gave the error is as follows:
. \ Main \ the Main c (20) : error: # 2901: Expected an inline assembly instruction
The __asm {int 0 x82};
. \ Main \ the Main c (20) : error: # 3081: expected the end of the line or a ";"
The __asm {int 0 x82};
This kind of situation is there something I can not directly use the __asm {} such a statement? Or what other mistakes, I have the hope, let us know, thank you
CodePudding user response:
The original poster hello, I have encountered the same problem, a delay of inline assembly function, error, can you solve itCodePudding user response:
KEIL5 does not support inline assembly