Home > other >  [transfer] AT32 USB application development guide
[transfer] AT32 USB application development guide


This application note describes how to use USB Demo, Demo includes all types of USB transmission (Control, interrupt, Bulk, Isochronous),
Document goal is to enable users to use faster Artery AT32Fxx series USB peripherals for USB device development,

The following AT32Fxx USB related contents of introduction of the present document:
- AT32_USB - FS - Device_Driver: library of USB protocol layer
- Composite_Device: interrupt and bulk composite use, implements a mouse and a virtual serial port work
- Custom_HID: the use of interrupt, implementation and function of upper machine interaction
- HID_IAP_Demo: the use of interrupt and implementation through the HID equipment upgrades
- MassStorage: the use of bulk and realization of SD card virtual disk
- Mouse: the use of interrupt, realize a Mouse function
- USB_Audio_Demo: the use of the isochronous, realization of USB Speaker and USB Micrphone
- USB_VirtualComPort_Share_CAN: implement the USB and CAN also use the
- VirtualComPort_loopback: the use of bulk, to implement a virtual serial port
- VirtualMassStrorage_IAP_Demo: the use of bulk, implementation will FLASH virtual disk equipment upgrades should be carried out
- Wake_Up_PC: the virtual mouse, wake up sleep
- PC - Printer: implement a Printer equipment

Support type

1 AT32 USB - FS - Device protocol library... 7
1.1 AT32 USB library file... 8
2 Composite_Device... 9
2.1 functional description... 9
2.2 transmission structure... 9
2.3 the instructions... 9
2.3.1 hardware resources... 10
2.3.2 usage steps... 10
2.3.3 the mouse control... 11.
2.3.4 serial communication... 11.
3 Custom_HID... 12
3.1 functional description... 12
3.2 topology... 12
3.3 the Custom HID explanation... 12
3.3.1 equipment function page... 12
3.3.2 rainfall distribution on 10-12 LED control... 13
3.3.3 Push - button control... 14
3.3.4 loopback transmission... 14
3.4 the instructions... 15
3.4.1 track hardware resources... 15
3.4.2 usage steps... 15
4 HID_IAP_Demo... 16
4.1 functional description... 16
5 MassStorage... 17
5.1 functional description... 17
Summary of 5.2 MassStorage demo... 17
5.3 the instructions... 18
5.3.1 hardware resources... 18
5.3.2 usage steps... 18
6 Mouse... 19
6.1 functional description... 19
6.2 the instructions... 19
6.2.1 hardware resources... 19
6.2.2 usage steps... 19
6.2.3 mouse control... 20
7 USB_Audio_Demo... 21
7.1 functional description... 21
8 USB_VirtualComPort_Share_CAN... 22
8.1 functional description... 22
8.2 note... 22
8.3 the instructions... 22
8.3.1 hardware resources... 22
8.3.2 usage steps... 22
8.3.3 are included USB and CAN use... 23
9 VirtualComPort_loopback... 24
9.1 functional description... 24
9.2 the instructions... 24
9.2.1 hardware resources... 24
9.2.2 usage steps... 24
9.2.3 serial communication... 25
10 VirtualMassStrorage_IAP_Demo... 26
10.1 functional description... 26
11 Wake_Up_PC... 27
11.1 functional description... 27
11.2 the instructions... 27
11.2.1 hardware resources... 27
11.2.2 usage steps... 27
11.2.3 awakens the PC... 28
12 Printer... 30
12.1 functional description... 30
12.2 the instructions... 30
12.2.1 hardware resources... 30
12.2.2 usage steps... 30
13 version history... 31

Note: related documents and tool, please check the attachment, the standard library website to download the source code in the astra power pack, containing USB example, such as the USB example AT32F403 path is as follows: AT32F4xx_StdPeriph_Lib_V1. 7.0.x.x \ Project \ AT_START_F403 \ Examples \ USB_Device

Note: the documentation and source code, please check the following link: https://bbs.21ic.com/icview-2970920-1-5.html? _dsign=1 a5ea400

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