If (e.B utton==MouseButtons. Left)
The Debug Log (" 123 ");
OnClickMaximize ();
OnClickMaximize (); Does not perform
CodePudding user response:
This is not a winform...If you want to use WIN32 API on the Windows platform
CodePudding user response:
There is not minimized, check the windowed can ahCodePudding user response:
[DllImport (" user32. DLL)]Public static extern bool ShowWindow (IntPtr HWND, int nCmdShow);
[DllImport (" user32. DLL)]
The static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow ();
Const int Min=2;
Const int Max=3;
Const int Normal=1;
Then in the start function call
ShowWindow (GetForegroundWindow (), Min);
He would minimize the run
Remember to reference the namespace