I'm trying to get the profile_pic_urls from instagram's "/?__a=1" profiles.
When I put them inside a <img src="">
it doesn't work.
It actually does not work for any image url in the json.
Is it a limitation of facebook? Is there a way to edit the url to make it work?
Take the profile_pic_url from https://www.instagram.com/zuck/?__a=1 as an example:
<img src="https://instagram.fmxp10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-19/s150x150/177219615_1728341124004802_3178671336629535217_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fmxp10-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_ohc=0jrm53_8VuMAX8Wdh4I&edm=AAWvnRQBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oh=0ffa1ac452bacb959adab6ace79283cb&oe=616FB4A3&_nc_sid=e7738c">
CodePudding user response:
I can think of three solutions:
you use the API as Mr.justinas says
you can save the pictures locally
or you can use the embed code that they provide go to the picutre you want click on the three dots then embed and copy it
CodePudding user response:
I belive that Instagram stops user form using image links my alternate option is that you use imgur or onedrive this will make it so u can use links
OneDrive(microsoft):https://onedrive.live.com/ Imgur:https://imgur.com/ Have a great Day/Night!