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After magnetic saturation inductance value decreases with increasing current formula deduction?


Magnetic induction intensity B is perpendicular to the number of lines of magnetic force per unit area; Flux Φ is the product of the magnetic induction intensity B and area, namely Φ=BS, B=Φ/S, and the flux Ψ is conductive coil or current loop link by the total magnetic flux, namely Ψ=N Φ=LI, Φ=LI/N, substitution B=Φ/S=LI/N/S, N number of turns, S area is constant, B is also unchanged after magnetic saturation, the current increase again, L will decrease, know that there is no sense of value, the equivalent of a conductor, the loss of inductance, or, permeability u=B/H, B=LI/N/S, H=NIK (N number of turns, the I current, K factor), that u=LI/N/S/NIK, L=uN ^ 2 sk, number of turns N the same, area S constant, constant coefficient K, and the permeability of u can increases with current and smaller, when saturated permeability u tend to 1, then increases, the permeability of u tend to zero, from the formula, inductance is proportional to permeability, the current has been increased, inductance value also tend to be 0, no sense of values, loss of inductance,

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