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Server IPC version 9 always communicate with the client version 4


Org, apache hadoop. Ipc. RemoteException: Server ipc version 9 always communicate with the client version 4
Org, apache hadoop. Ipc. Client. Call (1107). The Client Java:
Org, apache hadoop. Ipc. RPC $Invoker. Invoke (RPC) Java: 229)
Com. Sun. Proxy. $Proxy5. GetProtocolVersion (Unknown Source)
Org, apache hadoop. Ipc. RPC. GetProxy (RPC) Java: 411)
Org, apache hadoop. HDFS. DFSClient. CreateRPCNamenode (DFSClient. Java: 135)
Org, apache hadoop. HDFS. DFSClient. & lt; init> (DFSClient. Java: 276)
Org, apache hadoop. HDFS. DFSClient. & lt; init> (DFSClient. Java: 241)
Org, apache hadoop. HDFS. DistributedFileSystem. The initialize (DistributedFileSystem. Java: 100)
Org, apache hadoop. Fs. FileSystem. CreateFileSystem (1411) FileSystem. Java:
Org, apache hadoop. Fs. FileSystem. Access the $200 (66) FileSystem. Java:
Org, apache hadoop. Fs. $Cache FileSystem. Get (1429) FileSystem. Java:
Org, apache hadoop. Fs. FileSystem. Get (254) FileSystem. Java:
Com. Model. HdfsDAO. Ls (HdfsDAO. Java: 70)
Com. Controller. LoginServlet. DoPost (LoginServlet. Java: 47)
Javax.mail. Servlet. HTTP. HttpServlet. Service (HttpServlet. Java: 650)
Javax.mail. Servlet. HTTP. HttpServlet. Service (HttpServlet. Java: 731)
Org, apache tomcat, websocket server. WsFilter. DoFilter (WsFilter. Java: 52)

Note The full stack trace of The root cause is available in The Apache Tomcat/7.0.78 logs.

I use hadoop2.8.0 version, project introduction lib is hadoop1.1.2 version of package, and then when I was in connecting the HDFS it reported the error,

Path the Path=new Path (folder);
FileSystem fs=FileSystem. Get (URI. The create (hdfsPath), the conf);
FileStatus [] list=fs. ListStatus (path);
System. The out. Println (" ls: "+ folder);
System. The out. Println ("==========================================================");
If (a list!=null)
For (FileStatus f: list) {
//System. Out. Printf (" folder name: % s: % s, size: % d \ n ", f.g etPath (), f.i sDir (), f.g etLen ());
System. The out. Printf (" % s, folder: % s, size: % dK \ n ", f.g etPath (). The getName (), (f.i sDir ()?" Directory ":" file "), f.g etLen ()/1024);
System. The out. Println ("==========================================================");
Fs. The close ();

Return the list;

Error source here, after debugging is this connection is error FileSystem fs=FileSystem. Get (URI. The create (hdfsPath), the conf);
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