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Kafka - manager for help


Hello, originally I was using a kafka for kaka also low version - manager,
I now kafka upgrade become 10.2.2 kafka - manager with kafka - manager -,,
But kafka can run successfully, kafka - manager - have truly, this is what reason, below is the error message,

[error] P.A.L.C ryptoConfigParser - The application secret from had been set, and we are in prod mode. Your application is not secure.
[error] P.A.L.C ryptoConfigParser - To set the application secret, both please read http://playframework.com/documentation/latest/ApplicationSecret
Oops, always start the server.
@ 74 d6fcm1b: Configuration error
At play. API. Libs. CryptoConfigParser. Get $lzycompute (236) Crypto. Scala:
At play. API. Libs. CryptoConfigParser. Get (203) Crypto. Scala:
At play. API. BuiltInComponents $class. CryptoConfig (284) Application. The scala:
At play. API. BuiltInComponentsFromContext. CryptoConfig $lzycompute (ApplicationLoader. Scala: 100)
At play. API. BuiltInComponentsFromContext. CryptoConfig (ApplicationLoader. Scala: 100)
At play. API. BuiltInComponents $class. The crypto (285) Application. The scala:
At play. API. BuiltInComponentsFromContext. Crypto $lzycompute (ApplicationLoader. Scala: 100)
At play. API. BuiltInComponentsFromContext. Crypto (ApplicationLoader. Scala: 100)
At play. API. BuiltInComponents $class. The injector (270) Application. The scala:
At play. API. $lzycompute BuiltInComponentsFromContext. Injector (ApplicationLoader. Scala: 100)
At play. API. BuiltInComponentsFromContext. Injector (ApplicationLoader. Scala: 100)
At play. API. BuiltInComponents $class. Application (279) application. The scala:
At play. API. $lzycompute BuiltInComponentsFromContext. Application (100). ApplicationLoader scala:
At play. API. BuiltInComponentsFromContext. Application (ApplicationLoader. Scala: 100)
The at loader. KafkaManagerLoader. Load (KafkaManagerLoader scala: 25)
At play, the core server. ProdServerStart $. Start (ProdServerStart. Scala: 52)
At play, the core server. ProdServerStart $. The main (ProdServerStart. Scala: 27)
At play, the core server. ProdServerStart. Main (ProdServerStart. Scala)
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