Objective is to have an array with captured pokemons if user clicks on the input and an array of not-captured pokemons if user un-clicks the input. I've managed to filter out the pokemon when it's no longer captured and have it in the not-captured array but I can't seem to delete that pokemon from the old captured array. Eg. If I click on "bulbasaur", "charmender", "squirtle", I get them all in the captured array. If I then remove one of them, I correctly get the removed one in the not-captured array but I can't seem to delete it from the previous captured array.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import PokemonIcon from "./PokemonIcon";
const PokemonCard = ({ pokemon, capturedPkm, setCapturedPkm, notCapturedPkm, setNotCapturedPkm }) => {
const [label, setLabel] = useState('Not captured')
const toggleCaptured = (checked, id) => {
const pokemonName = { id: pokemon.id, name: pokemon.name }
if (checked && id === pokemon.id) {
setCapturedPkm([...capturedPkm, pokemonName])
} else {
setLabel('Not captured!')
setNotCapturedPkm([...notCapturedPkm, pokemonName])
if (checked === false) {
let newArr = [...capturedPkm]
let pkmRemoved = newArr.filter((el, i) => el.id === id)
let newArrPkm = newArr.splice(pkmRemoved, 1)
console.log('newArr',newArrPkm, 'pkmRemoved', pkmRemoved)
useEffect(() => {
console.log('captured', capturedPkm, 'not captured', notCapturedPkm)
}, [capturedPkm, notCapturedPkm])
return (
height: "250px",
maxWidth: "250px",
margin: "1rem",
boxShadow: "5px 5px 5px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)",
cursor: "pointer",
to={{ pathname: `/pokemon/${pokemon.id}` }}
style={{ textDecoration: "none", color: "#000000" }}
state={{ pokemon: pokemon, capturedPkm }}
padding: "20px",
display: "flex",
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
<PokemonIcon img={pokemon.sprites?.['front_default']} />
<div style={{ textAlign: "center" }}>
<input type="checkbox"
onChange={(e) => toggleCaptured(e.target.checked, pokemon.id)} />
<span style={{ marginLeft: 8, cursor: 'pointer' }}>
export default PokemonCard;
CodePudding user response:
I guess you forgot to update the notCapturedPkm array. You could try something like this :
if (checked && id === pokemon.id) {
setCapturedPkm([...capturedPkm, pokemonName])
// Update this array, by removing the selected pokemon
setNotCapturedPkm([...notCapturedPkm.filter(pkm => pkm.id !== pokemon.id)])