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Smoke alarm temperature humidity sensor only bright screen does not display the great god give direc


[mw_shl_code=bash, true] # include
,11,5,4,3,2 LiquidCrystal LCD (12);
int temp;
Int humi.
Int tol.
Int j;
Int H=50;
Int T=25;
Int B=1;
Int flag=0;
Int led=7;
Int LED=9;
Int BU=2;
Int FMQ=13;
Int FMQ=10;
Unsigned int loopCnt;
Int CRH [40]={0};
Unsigned long time;
# define pin 8
Void setup ()
{pinMode (FMQ, the OUTPUT); PinMode (FMQ, the OUTPUT); PinMode (LED, the OUTPUT); PinMode (led, the OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600);
Void loop ()
{HH (); TT (); KeyScan (); BGN: delay (200); PinMode (pin, the OUTPUT); DigitalWrite (pin, LOW); Delay (20); DigitalWrite (pin, HIGH); DelayMicroseconds (40); DigitalWrite (pin, LOW); PinMode (pin, INPUT); LoopCnt=10000; While (digitalRead (pin).=HIGH) {if (loopCnt --==0) {Serial. Println (" HIGH "); Goto BGN; }} loopCnt=30000; While (digitalRead (pin).=LOW) {if (loopCnt --==0) {Serial. Println (" LOW "); Goto BGN; } } for(int i=0; i<40; {i++) while (digitalRead (pin)==LOW) {} time=micros (); While (digitalRead (pin)==HIGH) {} the if (micros () - time & gt; 50) {CRH=1; } else {CRH=0; }} humi=CRH CRH [0] * 128 + [1] * 64 + CRH [2] * 32 + CRH [3] * 16 + CRH [4] * 8 + CRH [5] * 4 + CRH [6] * 2 + CRH [7]. Temp=CRH [16] * 128 + CRH [17] * 64 + CRH [18] * 32 + CRH [19] * 16 + CRH [20] * 8 + CRH [21] * 4 + CRH [22] * 2 + CRH [23].
Tol=CRH [32] * 128 + CRH [33] * 64 + CRH [34] * 32 + CRH [35] * 16 + CRH [36] * 8 + CRH [37] * 4 + CRH [38] * 2 + CRH [39]. Serial. Print (" temp: "); Serial. Println (temp); Serial. Print (" humi: "); Serial. Println (humi); Serial. Print (" tol: "); Serial. Println (tol);

If (temp> T)
{digitalWrite (LED, HIGH); DigitalWrite (FMQ, LOW); } else {
DigitalWrite (LED, LOW);
DigitalWrite (FMQ, HIGH);
If (humi> H)
{digitalWrite (led, HIGH); DigitalWrite (FMQ, LOW); } else {
DigitalWrite (led, LOW);
DigitalWrite (FMQ, HIGH);

int val; Val=analogRead (0); Serial. Print (smo ":"); Serial. Println (val, DEC); Delay (100);
If (flag==0)
{LCD. The begin (16, 2); LCD. SetCursor (0, 0); LCD. Print (TEMP: "C"); LCD. SetCursor (9, 0); LCD. Print (SMO ":"); LCD. SetCursor (0, 1); LCD. Print (" HUMI: % "); LCD. SetCursor (9, 1);//LCD. Print (" BEP: "); LCD. SetCursor (5, 0); LCD. Print (temp); LCD. SetCursor (5, 1); LCD. Print (humi); LCD. SetCursor (13, 0); LCD. Print (val, DEC);
If (flag==1)
{LCD. The begin (16, 2); LCD. Print (" ALARM TEMP: "); LCD. SetCursor (11, 0); LCD. Print (T);

If (flag==2)
{LCD. The begin (16, 2); LCD. Print (" ALARM HUMI: "); LCD. SetCursor (12, 0); LCD. Print (H);

Void keyScan ()
{if (analogRead (BUTTON) & gt; 600) {delay (20); If (analogRead (BUTTON) & gt; 600) {flag++; If (flag>=3) flag=0; While (analogRead (BUTTON) & gt; 600); }}
Void HH ()
{if (analogRead (B) & gt; 600) {delay (20); If (analogRead (B) & gt; 600) {H++; If (H> H==61) 40; While (analogRead (B) & gt; 600); }}
Void (TT)
{if (analogRead (BU) & gt; 600) {delay (20); If (analogRead (BU) & gt; 600) {T++; If (T>=31) T=20; While (analogRead (BU) & gt; 600); }}

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