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How to fill out an abstract method?


I'm using an SDK (AdColony) to show ads to the users. There is an abstract method in the AdColonyZone object.

Here is the header file: https://github.com/AdColony/AdColony-iOS-SDK/blob/master/AdColony.xcframework/ios-arm64_armv7/AdColony.framework/Headers/AdColonyZone.h

The reference to method I used (setReward) is on line 78:

- (void)setReward:(nullable void (^)(BOOL success, NSString *name, int amount))reward;

The documentation: https://github.com/AdColony/AdColony-iOS-SDK/wiki/Showing-Rewarded-Interstitial-Ads

The example code from the documentation:

let rewardedZones:Array<String> = [/* Rewarded Zone IDs */]
AdColony.configure(withAppID: /* App ID */, zoneIDs: /* Zone IDs */, options: nil) { [weak self] (zones) in
    for zone in zones {
        if rewardedZones.contains(zone.identifier) {
            zone?.setReward = { [weak self] (success, name, amount) in
                if success {
                    self?.rewardUser(coinsAmount: amount, currencyName: name)

Here is my code:

AdColony.configure(withAppID: "MY_APP_ID", zoneIDs: ["MY_ZONE_ID"], options: nil){ (zones) in
    for zone in zones {
        zone.setReward = { (success, name, amount) in
            if success {
                // TODO: Something...

I'm not able to set "setReward". I'm getting this error:

error: cannot assign to value: 'setReward' is a method
zone.setReward = { (success, name, amount) in

How can I set the setReward handler?

CodePudding user response:

AdColony.configure(withAppID: "MY_APP_ID", zoneIDs: ["MY_ZONE_ID"], options: nil){ (zones) in
    for zone in zones {
        zone.setReward { success, name, amount in
            if success {
                // TODO: Something...
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