I'm trying to save a DocumentReference in models using JSON serializable with a custom JsonConverter but not doing it correct
here is my model
DocumentReference? recentTrainingRef;
My DocumentSerializer Class
class DocumentSerializer
implements JsonConverter<DocumentReference, DocumentReference> {
const DocumentSerializer();
DocumentReference fromJson(DocumentReference docRef) => docRef;
DocumentReference toJson(DocumentReference docRef) => docRef;
I'm getting the following error Could not generate fromJson code for recentTrainingRef.
CodePudding user response:
As noted in my answer Are type DocumentReference supported by json_serializable?, due to https://github.com/google/json_serializable.dart/issues/822, you need a null document serializer because your type (DocumentReference) is nullable (because of the arrow at the end).
Quite simply (and @DocumentSerializerNullable() annotation).
class DocumentSerializerNullable
implements JsonConverter<DocumentReference?, DocumentReference?> {
const DocumentSerializerNullable();
DocumentReference? fromJson(DocumentReference? docRef) => docRef;
DocumentReference? toJson(DocumentReference? docRef) => docRef;