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Randomly changing for loop values


I've been working on a deep q learning snake game in my free time, with plans to add genetic algorithm components to it. To that end, I was setting up loops that would allow me to create a given population of snakes that would each run for some number of episodes for a total of some number of generations.

It should be simple. Just some nested for loops. Only, I've been getting some pretty wild results from my for loops.

This is the code in question:

def run(population_size=1, max_episodes=10, max_generations=50):
    total_score = 0

    agents = [Agent() for i in range(population_size)]
    game = SnakeGameAI()

    for cur_gen in range(max_generations):
        game.generation = cur_gen
        for agent_num, agent in enumerate(agents):
            # Set colors
            game.color1 = agent.color1
            game.color2 = agent.color2

            # Set agent number
            game.agent_num = agent_num

            for cur_episode in range(1, max_episodes 1):
                # Get old state
                state_old = agent.get_state(game)

                # Get move
                final_move = agent.get_action(state_old)

                # Perform move and get new state
                reward, done, score = game.play_step(final_move)
                state_new = agent.get_state(game)

                # Train short memory
                agent.train_short_memory(state_old, final_move, reward, state_new, done)

                # Remember
                agent.remember(state_old, final_move, reward, state_new, done)

                # Snake died
                if done:
                    # Train long memory, plot result
                    agent.episode = cur_episode
                    game.agent_episode = cur_episode

                    if score > game.top_score:
                        game.top_score = score

                    total_score  = score
                    game.mean_score = np.round((total_score / cur_episode), 3)
                    print(f"Episode: {cur_episode}")
                    print(f"Generation: {cur_gen}")
                    print(f"Score: {score}")
                    print(f"Top Score: {game.top_score}")
                    print(f"Mean: {game.mean_score}\n")

And this is the output it gives:

Episode: 3
Generation: 7
Score: 0
Top Score: 0
Mean: 0.0

Episode: 3
Generation: 14
Score: 0
Top Score: 0
Mean: 0.0

Episode: 7
Generation: 20
Score: 1
Top Score: 1
Mean: 0.143

Episode: 10
Generation: 26
Score: 0
Top Score: 1
Mean: 0.1

Episode: 6
Generation: 28
Score: 1
Top Score: 1
Mean: 0.333

Episode: 5
Generation: 37
Score: 0
Top Score: 1
Mean: 0.4

Episode: 3
Generation: 43
Score: 0
Top Score: 1
Mean: 0.667

Episode: 1
Generation: 45
Score: 1
Top Score: 1
Mean: 3.0

Episode: 2
Generation: 49
Score: 0
Top Score: 1
Mean: 1.5

The generation number steadily ticks up every second until it hits 49 and ends the loop, while the episode number randomly changes every time the snake dies. It's bizarre. I've never seen anything like this and have no idea what in my code could possible cause it.

CodePudding user response:


For everyone who doesn't want to go through the comments where Eli Harold helped me work this out, the problem was that I had my code treating each episode like a frame of the game. So instead of an episode being the full lifespan of a snake (an entire game), every time the snake took an action was an episode.

Here's what my code looks like now. I added a run loop, which fixed the issue.

def run(population_size=1, max_episodes=10, max_generations=50):
    total_score = 0

    agents = [Agent() for i in range(population_size)]
    game = SnakeGameAI()

    for cur_gen in range(max_generations):
        game.generation = cur_gen
        for agent_num, agent in enumerate(agents):
            # Set colors
            game.color1 = agent.color1
            game.color2 = agent.color2

            # Set agent number
            game.agent_num = agent_num

            for cur_episode in range(1, max_episodes 1):
                run = True
                while run:
                    # Get old state
                    state_old = agent.get_state(game)

                    # Get move
                    final_move = agent.get_action(state_old)

                    # Perform move and get new state
                    reward, done, score = game.play_step(final_move)
                    state_new = agent.get_state(game)

                    # Train short memory
                    agent.train_short_memory(state_old, final_move, reward, state_new, done)

                    # Remember
                    agent.remember(state_old, final_move, reward, state_new, done)

                    # Snake died
                    if done:
                        run = False
                        # Train long memory, plot result
                        agent.episode = cur_episode
                        game.agent_episode = cur_episode

                        if score > game.top_score:
                            game.top_score = score

                        total_score  = score
                        game.mean_score = np.round((total_score / cur_episode), 3)
                        print(f"Episode: {cur_episode}")
                        print(f"Generation: {cur_gen}")
                        print(f"Score: {score}")
                        print(f"Top Score: {game.top_score}")
                        print(f"Mean: {game.mean_score}\n")
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