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Chicken dishes for help... Old problem, if not do python


[problem description]

Input a set of integers, disorderly output which appear most times integer programming and its occurrences,

[form] input

First read from standard input the number of integer (greater than or equal to 1, less than or equal to 100), and then the next line input these integers, all the integers are separated by a space,

[] output form

Output appear most frequently on the standard output of integer and its occurrences, both with a space space; If appear most times integer multiple, according to the output of integer ascending branch,

[sample input]


50-632 5813-50 9-50 0, 632

[sample output]

- 50 3

0 3


Input the 10 integers, including appear most times - 50 and 0, 3 times,
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