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Plot a line on a barchart in ggplot2


I have built a stacked bar chart showing the relative proportions of response to different questions. Now I want to show a particular response ontop of that barchart, to show how an individuals response relates to the overall proportions of responses.

I created a toy example here:

n = 1000
n_groups = 5
overall_df = data.frame(
  state = sample(letters[1:8], n, replace = TRUE),
  frequency = runif(n, min = 0, max = 1),
  var_id = rep(LETTERS[1:n_groups], each = 1000 / n_groups)

row = data.frame(
  A = "a", B = "b", C = "c", D = "h", E = "b"

           aes(fill=state, y=frequency, x=var_id))   
  geom_bar(position="fill", stat="identity") 

The goal here is to have the responses in the object row plotted as a point in the corresponding barchart box, with a line connecting the points.

Here is a (poorly drawn) example of the desired result. Thanks for your help.

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

This was trickier than I thought. I'm not sure there's any way round manually calculating the x/y co-ordinates of the line.


df <- overall_df %>% group_by(state, var_id) %>%
  summarize(frequency = sum(frequency))

freq <- unlist(Map(function(d, val) {
  (sum(d$frequency[d$state > val])   0.5 * d$frequency[d$state == val]) /
  }, d = split(df, df$var_id), val = row))
line_df <- data.frame(state = unlist(row),
                      frequency = freq,
                      var_id = names(row))

ggplot(df, aes(fill=state, y=frequency, x=var_id))   
  geom_line(data = line_df, aes(group = 1))  
  geom_point(data = line_df, aes(group = 1))

Created on 2022-03-08 by the enter image description here

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