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The development trend of automatic test analysis


In recent years, the new technology represented by information technology promoted the rapid growth of electronic industry, has greatly promoted the rapid development of test and measurement instruments and equipment, many units to purchase a large amount of high-grade instrument, however, and the application of instrument development and use are very low-level stage, I am a PhD student at the university of electronic science and technology in xian, mainly to do research in the field of microwave radio frequency (rf), there was a time when doing the research, found that colleges and universities is the electronic measuring instruments the use of large groups of people, but to form a complete set of equipment use SPC software is very low, these instruments are both in research and development of the school or buy from outside, or you don't SPC software, or software installed on the equipment, want to run on the computer software is very difficult,
Said there may be someone do not understand, what are the advantages of software installed on your computer? Installed on the device is not very good, too? My answer two points: (1) instrument own software just to control the equipment, fetching the data at the same time, do not have the ability of data analysis, if on the PC can meet; (2) software installed on the equipment for remote control, the first thing I believe you can understand, I want to say here is the second point, I also want to to share after experience,

In 2017, I have a filter at the hands of the research project, the need to use laboratory is DE E5071C vector network analyzer on the insertion loss and standing wave ratio test, lab in my downstairs, for some reason I always ran very inconvenient, data processing, I also do in the office, so I just think, can do a remote single instrument of SPC software, like Labview development network analyzer, network analyzer CVI development, network analyzer SCPI development, etc., so that I can be in the office not only to control of the laboratory instruments, also can real-time monitor the testing process, do not need to save data on the device, saved in my computer directly to the end, then I can directly for data analysis, and then I found my teacher, my idea and teachers to do the communication, and was recognized by his teacher, but the software research and development will cost me a lot of time, and want to make the software to pool after I graduated, I on the Internet to find whether have automated testing system can achieve the power supply module, see NSAT rf passive components - 1000 automatic test system, is a SPC software, read the data just can satisfy the demand will contact manufacturer,

In the middle of the concrete process will not give you details, software research and development a week to finish, NSAT rf passive components - 1000 automatic test system, belongs to the vector network analyzer SPC software, the system has been used after online now, my biggest feeling is convenient, save a lot of time, improve the testing efficiency, sitting in the upstairs can remote control device to filter test, after the completion of the test directly on the computer to analyze data, and was quite good,

Chinese test and measurement instrument development also need to walk a long way, and automated testing is one of the important development trend of single programmable instruments, parallel instrument control system integration, and even related to the equipment management platform and the back-end data analysis of the enterprise management platform, is the inevitable developing trend of the next, and single instrument SPC is relatively popular, such as data acquisition signal generator, logic analyzer program control, pressure tester for software development, power meter waveform capture, etc., are all use most of the colleges and universities and enterprises, we are interested can know about the related field, hope to inspire and help,
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