I am working on a simple chat app. In my project there are two windows first one is main window in which i have a textbox and a button in text i enter name of person whom i want to talk and when i clicked on button a chat window appeared with name of a person. Issue come when i tried to send message to multiple person on same time all messages go to the last one i searched for. for example i searched two person two different chat window appears with receiver names and i send different messages to different people but in database all messages are stored with name of latest person.
Here is my code:
from tkinter import *
import os
import pathlib
import cgitb
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfile
import threading
import ctypes
from urllib.request import urlopen , Request
import requests
from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler
cgitb.enable ( )
url1 = 'http://localhost:9090/project/php/test.php'
def screen():
global search
search = Tk()
search.geometry ( "400x400" )
search.title ( "dsf" )
search.config(bg = "black")
global s
global search_entry
s = StringVar()
searchlbl = Label ( search , text = '' , bg = 'black' , fg = 'white' , font = ('Times' , 12) )
searchlbl.pack ( )
searchlbl = Label ( search , text = '' , bg = 'black' , fg = 'white' , font = ('Times' , 12) )
searchlbl.pack ( )
searchlbl = Label ( search , text = '' , bg = 'black' , fg = 'white' , font = ('Times' , 12) )
searchlbl.pack ( )
searchlbl = Label ( search , text = '' , bg = 'black' , fg = 'white' , font = ('Times' , 12) )
searchlbl.pack ( )
searchlbl = Label ( search , text = '' , bg = 'black' , fg = 'white' , font = ('Times' , 12) )
searchlbl.pack ( )
search_entry = Entry ( search , text = 'search' , width = 40, textvariable = s )
search_entry.pack ( )
searchlbl = Label ( search , text = '' , bg = 'black' , fg = 'white' , font = ('Times' , 12) )
searchlbl.pack ( )
searchbtn = Button ( search , text = "Search" , width = 10 , height = 1 , bg = "#426CB4" , fg = "white" ,
command = chating , activebackground = "medium turquoise" , activeforeground = "white" )
searchbtn.pack ( )
#var1 = chating()
search.mainloop ( )
def chating():
window = Toplevel(search)
messages = Text(window)
input_user = StringVar()
input_field = Entry(window, text=input_user)
input_field.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
def Enter_pressed(event):
input_get = input_field.get()
messages.insert(INSERT, '%s\n' % input_get)
# label = Label(window, text=input_get)
sender = s.get ( )
req = requests.post ( url1 , data = { 'msg' :input_get, 'sender' : sender } ).text
# label.pack()
return "break"
frame = Frame(window) # , width=300, height=300)
input_field.bind("<Return>", Enter_pressed)
looking for your kind help thanks.
CodePudding user response:
It is because you get the user name from the same entry s
every time a message is sent to server.
You just need to save the user name to a local variable when the chat window is open:
def chating():
# save the user name
sender = s.get()
window = Toplevel(search)
messages = Text(window)
input_user = StringVar()
input_field = Entry(window, text=input_user)
input_field.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
def Enter_pressed(event):
input_get = input_field.get()
messages.insert(INSERT, '%s\n' % input_get)
req = requests.post ( url1 , data = { 'msg' :input_get, 'sender' : sender } ).text
# label.pack()
return "break"
frame = Frame(window) # , width=300, height=300)
input_field.bind("<Return>", Enter_pressed)
# not necessary to call mainloop() more than once
Note also that you don't need to call window.mainloop()
inside chating()