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Cloud, etc have what use? Changes the original can also such operations


Grade 2.0 through the cloud security platform and local protection cover compliance system deployment, providing one-stop DDoS, cloud WAF, vulnerability scanning, the next generation firewall, the database audit, fortress machine, VPN, intrusion detection and defense, log audit and other kinds of compliance level protection construction need cloud solution + end, help enterprises to achieve comprehensive evaluation level protection, improvement the effect of reinforcement,

Enterprise or unit in communication may occur in the measurement of the high cost, such as deployment of complex, high cost, poor protection problem in all its aspects, and it needs to have a "one-stop" work style, such as 2.0 solution, for the record, and assist with grading situation assessment, the compliance improvement, grade evaluation, work, help enterprise quickly obtain insurance assessment certificate and test report,

2.0 level protection, is according to the development of information technology application and network security situation, constantly enriching the connotation of the system, expand the scope of protection, perfect the regulatory measures, gradually improve the system of network security rank protection policies, standards, and supporting system, and "network security law" regulation "the state shall practise a system of network security rank protection", marks the level of protection system of the legal status of