Need some help!
I have a model function in a simple project for reversing words.
The questions is:
First - How can I reverse my words (sentences) to make an anagram? For example, I need to shift the first character in each reversed word on two positions by forward. Example:
Original - Hello world
Reversed with anagrams: - lloeH lrdow
Second - How can I reverse my words (sentences) without numbers inside it? Example:
Original - Hello world 1234
Reversed without numbers - olleH dlrow 1234
How can I do it in my code?
import Foundation
class ReverseWords {
public func reverse(textField: String) -> String {
if textField.isEmpty {
return ""
return textField.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
.components(separatedBy: " ")
.map { String ( $0.reversed() ) }
.joined(separator: " ")
CodePudding user response:
It’s helpful to break your problem into independently testable functions.
Here are two functions you should find useful:
func shift2(_ str: String) -> String {
guard str.length > 2 else { return str }
let first = str.prefix(1)
let secondthird = str.prefix(3).suffix(2)
let end = String(str.dropFirst(3))
return secondthird first end
func reverseWord(_ str: String) -> String {
guard Set(str).intersection(Set("0123456789")).isEmpty else { return str }
return String(str.reversed())
bcade bca ab
olleH Hello1 12345
CodePudding user response:
Check this out.
func anagram(sentence: String, separator: Character = " ") -> String {
.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
.split(separator: separator)
.map { $0.contains(where: { $0.isNumber }) ? String($0) : String($0).reverseAndShift() }
.joined(separator: String(separator))
extension String {
func reverseAndShift(by offset: Int = 2) -> String {
var reversed = Array(reversed())
if let firstElement = reversed.first, offset < reversed.count {
reversed.insert(firstElement, at: offset)
return String(reversed)
print(anagram(sentence: "Hello world"))
-> lloeH lrdow
print(anagram(sentence: "Hello world 1234"))
-> lloeH lrdow 1234
CodePudding user response:
I moved the functionality for reversing the string and moving the character into a separate function to streamline the code a bit. The internal function reverses the string and then create a new string from the first two characters, the one to move and the rest of the string
public func reverse(textField: String) -> String {
func reverseAndMove(_ string: String) -> String {
guard string.count > 2 else { return "\(string.reversed())" }
let temp = String(string.reversed().dropFirst())
return "\(temp[temp.startIndex...temp.index(temp.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)])\(string.last!)\(temp[temp.index(temp.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)..<temp.endIndex])"
return textField
.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
.components(separatedBy: " ")
.map { $0.contains(/"\d"/) || $0.isEmpty ? $0 : reverseAndMove($0) } // or "\\d" for 5.6 or earlier
.joined(separator: " ")
Note that I have ignored punctuation marks here since it wasn't part of the question.