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PHP prospects? How the system of learning PHP?


PHP can do?
Can be used to make web sites, games, apps, small program,,,
PHP can do anything, but, its main application is to interact with the database to develop web applications (web application is the web site)
As an advanced PHPer, urgently want to improve the level of their own code, first of all, in the face of various function of PHP numerous desultorily, exactly how to clarify the relationship between each person,
PHP engineer good jobs?
Whether the Internet giant BAT, or other Internet companies mature, even start-ups, they all say they need to PHP engineer? And programmers that PHP is one of the most simple language, it is easier to learn than other languages, and product research and development costs are lower, and the best PHPer treatment is also very good, there should be many people willing to choose to learn ah, why still so hard to recruit?
Here's why:
1, the surge in demand, in the past few years, risk investment, to the attention of the Internet lead to overnight, many entrepreneurs to plunge into the Internet, and tuck in, of course, from the relatively simple things began to compare, simple things which is the most easy to understand, also easy to impress the vc institutions, therefore, companies began to high recruitment PHP engineer, and this position has been quiet a few years ago,
2, because simple, so you also are not willing to study, technical fields, studying advanced technology are engineers tireless pursuit, so who wants to learn the techniques of relatively simple, if your classmate do PHP, Java you doing meet estimates are embarrassed to say "hello", moreover, now under the impact of the web celebrity programming language, more and more people don't want to learn PHP, because a lot of people are not aware of any prospect of PHP, the hot issue in fact has been talked about for almost 10 years! Talking about every year, such as how PHP 2020, also prospects? Will lose?
3, pay issue, the vc PHPer a noisy of very high salary, you take normal salary to recruitment, hiring, of course, in addition, if the company technical personnel is too little, not formed the scale, so the somebody else is also reluctant to go, big company technical personnel, technology promotion quickly,
4, the work is too miscellaneous, small company technical personnel to do anything, you may encounter, you are to write a recursive, database operation,,,, administrative sister shouted to fix your computer, feel so embarrassed!
China is in the midst of the rapid development of Internet in the new period, the demand for talents is also growing rapidly, IT is understood that the IT industry, especially the Internet PHP programming and development in the field of talent shortage, appeared in the short term is difficult to ease the "IT's hard to find" situation, talent gap is not going to disappear in the short term, in the face of such situation, the company should pay more attention to personnel training and talent retention, to enable the comprehensive quality of employees to keep up with the rapid development of Internet industry,
Internet industry itself to professional demand is higher, the PHP professional talent gap is bigger, although professional also popular, but the professional ability of the candidate is not much, at the same time, the development of the Internet industry, the demand for talent makes it significantly greater than in other industries, constantly into the emerging enterprises as well as the urgent need of transformation of the traditional Internet, are in urgent need of PHP development for its new blood has injected vitality!

PHP due to its simplicity, the characteristics of rapid development, becomes the multitudinous PHP developers to entrepreneurship and the technology of choice for a second job,
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