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PHP from introductory to advanced for you to grasp?


First is PHP web portal, in order to meet the requirements of enterprises at the front desk site, can copy any web page and can realize the browser compatibility, PC and mobile terminal compatibility, until now can use a line companies one of the most popular ThinkPHP framework, project rapid development, can achieve the function of mainstream background commonly used RBAC authorization management, code management, front desk background interaction, multi-table links, data analysis, polling technique, website optimization technology, you need to know?
1) Html (master)
HTML text layout, forms and links, forms and framework
2) CSS
CSS syntax and attributes, box model, DIV + CSS layout
3) HTML + CSS 3 (master)
HTML 5 and CSS 3
4) the Bootstrap (key)
Deployment of the Bootstrap, global CSS styles, CSS components
5) Javascript (key)
JS introduction, JS, JS syntax, JS the built-in objects, BOM model, the DOM model, event programming
6) Jquery (key)
Jquery selector, DOM and the jquery object, attribute, event operations, jquery effects, document processing, mechanism of jquery plugin
7) PHP environment building (master)
The difference between static and dynamic WEB sites, WEB applications access to the process, build a wamp environment, custom built environment, set up based on the virtual host domain name, environment experience - install discuz BBS
8) PHP core (key)
Variables and constants, data types and operators, process control, function, file contains, operator, string, array
9) Mysql base (key)
Basic introduction of the database SQL operations, character set, the column type and column attributes, table relationships, advanced data operation, the mysql query, data backup and restore, mysql user rights management, PHP mysql operation
10) typical PHP technology (key)
The HTTP protocol, form values, document processing, session technology, GD image processing
11) project of actual combat (master)
BBS BBS backend implementation
12) SVN (master)
SVN overview and installation, use the SVN explanation, configuration more warehouse and access control, the SVN server configuration and management, the hook procedure
13) XML (familiar)
The XML syntax, SimpleXML, XPath, case - online dictionary
14) Ajax (master)
Ajax quickstart, Ajax object, send a get and post requests, using XML, JSON data transmission, Ajax requests for cross-domain Ajax case - paging, chat
15) ThinkPHP (key)
ThinkPHP quickstart, ThinkPHP controllers, ThinkPHP view, ThinkPHP model, ThinkPHP practical item
16) Linux (key)
Linux installation, use the shell, the VI editor, user groups, file management, Lamp environment,
17) optimization technique (key)
Database optimization, the Sphinx full-text index, Memcache, URL optimization
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