A.a ddEventListener (MouseEvent. CLICK, poem1); The function poem1 (e: MouseEvent) : void {gotoAndPlay (" label1 "); } b.a ddEventListener (MouseEvent. CLICK, poem2); The function poem2 (e: MouseEvent) : void {gotoAndPlay (" label2 "); } c.a. ddEventListener (MouseEvent. CLICK, poem3); The function poem3 (e: MouseEvent) : void {gotoAndPlay (" label3 "); Da ddEventListener} (MouseEvent. CLICK, poem4); The function poem4 (e: MouseEvent) : void {gotoAndPlay (" label4 "); } this. Ee. AddEventListener (MouseEvent. CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame); The function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame (event: MouseEvent) : void {gotoAndStop (151); }