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Chapter ten cloud storage technology


1. Description of storage:
Storage: store closed system, open system of storage
Open system of storage: built-in storage, external storage
External storage: direct storage, network storage
Network storage: network access storage NAS, SAN storage area network
SAN using fibre channel or FC technology, through a fibre channel switches connected storage arrays and server host, to establish a dedicated to data storage area network,
2. DAS: DAS is can pass the SCSI storage devices, special small computer system interface or fibre channel, directly connected to a computer, as its name implies, it is for small computer design of the extended interface, it can make a computer equipped with other device in order to improve the performance of the system, or add new functions, such as hard disk drives, scanners, etc.,
NAS: NAS itself is equipped with independent operating system, through the network protocol can achieve full sharing, cross-platform support for Windows NT, Linux, Unix when system share the same storage partitions, NAS can realize centralized data management, generally set cost of backup software, can be achieved without the server backup function, in the early period of the NAS system inputs are relatively high,
SAN: it is a kind of high availability, high performance of the special storage network, connect to the server and storage equipment for security, and have the flexibility and extensibility, SAN for database environment there is a huge advantage, data backup and restore a SAN is a very safe rapid transmission storage, protection, data sharing and recovery method, a SAN is independent of data storage network, the network of internal data transfer rate soon, but the operating system is still on the server side, the user does not have direct access to the SAN network,
3. RAID: disk array is made up by many prices cheaper disk, a huge capacity, can use individual disks provide data generated by addition effect, increase the whole disk system efficiency, using the technology data can be cut into many sections, respectively in each hard disk,
Raid 1: raid 1 you image, as a means to have multiple copies of data in virtual disk on the charger, with complete data redundancy, but the disk space utilization rate of only 50%,
RAID3: banding distribution + special dish check to XOR check for redundancy mode, use special disk to store calibration data, the data on the virtual disk blocks are divided into smaller blocks of data parallel transmission to the members of each physical disk, and calculate the XOR calibration data exist on disk,
RAID 6: RAID 6 that allows for the failure of two disks at the same time RAID
Like RAID5, level system, the data and the check code is divided into data blocks, and then stored in the disk array respectively each disk, raid 6 joined an independent check disk and its distribution in the check code of each disk backup all together, this raid 6 disk array allows the multinational disk failure at the same time, the data security demanding applications is very necessary,
4. Disk hot standby: do not shut down the system, support access,
5. A snapshot is a particular point in time the impression of a logical volume, logically equivalent to the entire snapshot copy of the source volume, snapshot can be assigned to any host,
6. The concept of data storage: through hierarchical storage management software to realize automatic migration between entity data into a storage device, data storage generally divided into online storage, near line and off-line storage tertiary storage way,
Cloud storage virtualization is storing part of cloud computing machine is easy to extend the storage resource pool, from the technical level, the industry generally agree with cloud storage two mainstream technology solution: distributed storage and storage virtualization,
7. Distributed storage
Distributed storage mainly includes distributed storage, distributed file storage, distributed object storage and distributed storage four types, table
Distributed object storage: object storage for huge amounts of unstructured data to provide data file via the key values stored patterns,
8. Part of the object storage system
Object: the basic unit of storage,
Object storage devices: the core of the object storage system,
File system: to interpret file operations for the users, and in the metadata server and the communication between object storage devices, complete the requested operation,
The metadata server: provides the metadata for the client,
Network connection: object storage system important constituent,
Features: object provides a similar file access methods, such as create, open, speaking, reading and writing and close, etc., each object is a collection of a series of orderly bytes, is a complex of data and attribute data sets, object maintains its own properties, simplifies the storage system management tasks, increased flexibility, object into a root object and set of objects and the user object,
9. OSD: OSD with different piece of equipment is the storage medium, but both provide access interface, OSD main functions including data storage and security access,
OSD provides three main functions: data storage, intelligent distribution, each object metadata management,
10. SSD: is the highly storage new technology, in which world wide attention as a revolutionary storage technology, the features are: small volume, small energy consumption, strong anti-jamming capability, addressing little time, I/O performance and other characteristics,

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