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Haskell: Implementing an Applicative List


This is a self-motivated exercise. To get the final case of <*> to work, I resorted to implementing concatenation as an auxiliary function. Have I missed a trick? That is, could that case have been written without needing an auxiliary function or be written in some other way? (BTW, my principle reference is the Haskell Wikibook, if that's relevant.)

The code:

    data List a = Empty | Item a (List a)
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

    instance Functor List where
        fmap ab Empty       = Empty
        fmap ab (Item a la) = Item (ab a) (fmap ab la)

    instance Applicative List where
        pure a                    = Item a Empty
        Empty       <*> _         = Empty
        _           <*> Empty     = Empty
        Item ab lab <*> Item a la = -- this is the case in question
            Item (ab a) (concatenation (ab <$> la) (lab <*> Item a la))

I guess what it comes down to is that, as far as I can recall in my limited experience, I've not needed an auxiliary function to implement any kind of instance so using one here makes me wonder whether it's necessary ...

CodePudding user response:

There's no reason to avoid auxiliary functions. However you define the instance, it either needs to use concatenation, or reimplement parts or all of its definition.

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