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[for] use pyinstaller generated exe running without error black window and flash back


With only two py files (in pycharm normal operation), generated exe running tips for

Application interface for the black window:

The main. Py
 import pygame 
The from pygame. Locals import *
The from GameMap import *

The class Button () :
Def __init__ (self, screen, text, x, y, color, enable) :
The self. The screen=screen
The self. The width=BUTTON_WIDTH
The self. The height=BUTTON_HEIGHT
Self. Button_color=color
Self. Text_color=(255, 255, 255)
The self. The enable=enable
The self. The font=pygame. The font. SysFont (None, BUTTON_HEIGHT * 2//3)

The self. The rect=pygame. The rect (0, 0, the self. The width, the self. Height)
The self. The rect. Topleft=(x, y)
The self. The text=text
Self. Init_msg ()

Def init_msg (self) :
If the self. The enable:
Self. Msg_image=self. The font. Render (self. The text, the True self. Text_color, self. Button_color [0])
The else:
Self. Msg_image=self. The font. Render (self. The text, the True self. Text_color, self. Button_color [1])
Self. Msg_image_rect=self. Msg_image. Get_rect ()
Self. Msg_image_rect. Center=self. The rect. Center

Def the draw (self) :
If the self. The enable:
The self. The screen. The fill (self button_color [0], the self. The rect)
The else:
The self. The screen. The fill (self button_color [1], the self. The rect)
The self. The screen. The blit (self. Msg_image, self. Msg_image_rect)

The class StartButton (Button) :
Def __init__ (self, screen, text, x, y) :
Super () __init__ (screen, text, x, y, [(26, 173, 25), (158, 217, 157) ", True)

Def click (self, game) :
If the self. The enable:
Game. The start ()
Game. The winner=None
Self. Msg_image=self. The font. Render (self. The text, the True self. Text_color, self. Button_color [1])
The self. The enable=False
Return True
Return False

Def unclick (self) :
If not the self. The enable:
Self. Msg_image=self. The font. Render (self. The text, the True self. Text_color, self. Button_color [0])
The self. The enable=True

The class GiveupButton (Button) :
Def __init__ (self, screen, text, x, y) :
Super () __init__ (screen, text, x, y, [(230, 67, 64), (236, 139, 137)], False)

Def click (self, game) :
If the self. The enable:
Game. Is_play=False
If game. The winner is None:
Game. The winner=game. Map. ReverseTurn (game. The player)
Self. Msg_image=self. The font. Render (self. The text, the True self. Text_color, self. Button_color [1])
The self. The enable=False
Return True
Return False

Def unclick (self) :
If not the self. The enable:
Self. Msg_image=self. The font. Render (self. The text, the True self. Text_color, self. Button_color [0])
The self. The enable=True

The class Game () :
Def __init__ (self, caption) :
Pygame. The init ()
The self. The screen=pygame. Display. Set_mode ([SCREEN_WIDTH and SCREEN_HEIGHT])
Pygame. Display. Set_caption (caption)
The self. The clock=pygame. Time. Clock ()
Self. Buttons=[]
Self. Buttons. Append (StartButton (self) screen, 'Start', MAP_WIDTH + 30, 15))
Self. Buttons. Append (GiveupButton (self) screen, 'Giveup, MAP_WIDTH + 30, BUTTON_HEIGHT + 45))
Self. Is_play=False

The self. The map=map (CHESS_LEN CHESS_LEN)
The self. The action=None
The self. The winner=None

Def start (self) :
Self. Is_play=True
The self. The map. The reset ()

Def play (self) :
The self. The clock. Tick (60)

Light_yellow=(247, 238, 214)
Pygame. The draw. The rect (self) screen, light_yellow, pygame. The rect (0, 0, MAP_WIDTH SCREEN_HEIGHT))
Pygame. The draw. The rect (self. Screen (255, 255, 255), pygame. The rect (MAP_WIDTH, 0, INFO_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))

For the button in the self. Buttons:
Button. The draw ()

If self. Is_play and not self. IsOver () :
If the self. The action is not None:
Self. CheckClick (self. The action [0], the self. The action [1])
The self. The action=None

If not the self. IsOver () :
Self. ChangeMouseShow ()

If self. IsOver () :
Self. ShowWinner ()

The self. The map. The drawBackground (self) screen)
The self. The map. DrawChess (self) screen)

Def changeMouseShow (self) :
Map_x, map_y=pygame. Mouse. Get_pos ()
X, y=self. Map. MapPosToIndex (map_x, map_y)
If the self. The map. IsInMap (map_x, map_y) and the self. The map. The isEmpty (x, y) :
Pygame. Mouse. Set_visible (False)
Light_red=(213, 90, 107)
Pos, the radius=(map_x, map_y), CHESS_RADIUS
Pygame. The draw. Circle (radius, the self. The screen, light_red, pos,)
The else:
Pygame. Mouse. Set_visible (True)

Def checkClick (self, x, y, isAI=False) :
The self. The map. Click (x, y, the self. The player)
The self. The player=self. Map. ReverseTurn (self. Player)

Def mouseClick (self, map_x, map_y) :
If self. Is_play and self. Map. IsInMap (map_x, map_y) and not self. IsOver () :
X, y=self. Map. MapPosToIndex (map_x, map_y)
If the self. The map. IsEmpty (x, y) :
Self. Action=(x, y)

Def isOver (self) :
Return the self. The winner is not None

Def showWinner (self) :
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