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Scrapy crawler, data warehousing has had repeated data, after a mystery!!!!! Seek guidance


Scrapy is used to crawl iQIYI TV channel data into a mysql database, but there have been individual duplicate data, under the guidance of trouble, and see what problem
# - * - coding: utf-8 - * -
The import scrapy
The from iqiyi. Items import IqiyiItem
The from scrapy. The selector import the selector
The from scrapy. Contrib. Spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
The from scrapy. Contrib. Linkextractors. SGML import SgmlLinkExtractor

The class IqiyiSpider (CrawlSpider) :
"Allowed_domains=(" list.iqiyi.com ")
# download_delay=1
Start_urls=[" http://list.iqiyi.com/www/2/-------------11-1-1-iqiyi --. HTML "]

# TV series
Rule (SgmlLinkExtractor (allow=(' * http://list.iqiyi.com/www/2/-----------. - 4 - \ d + 1 - iqiyi -. HTML ')), the callback="parse_item", follow=True)
Def parse_item (self, response) :
Sel=the Selector (response)
The item=IqiyiItem ()
# film name
Item [' name ']=sel. Xpath ('///@/p a/text () '). The extract ()
# item [' name ']=[n.e ncode (' utf8) for n in name]
# film type
Item [' classification ']=sel. Xpath ('/HTML/body/div [4]/div/div/div [1]/div [1]/ul/li/@/a/text () '). The extract ()
# albumid
Item [' albumid ']=sel. Xpath ('//a/@ data - qidanadd - albumid '). The extract ()
# tvid
Item [' tvid]=sel. Xpath ('//a/@ data - qidanadd - tvid '). The extract ()
Return the item

# - * - coding: utf-8 - * -
The from scrapy import log
The from the twisted. Enterprise import adbapi # import twisted package
The import MySQLdb
The import MySQLdb. Your cursors
Import a datetime

The class IqiyiPipeline (object) :
Def __init__ (self) : # initialization to connect the mysql database information
Self. Dbpool=adbapi. ConnectionPool (
The host=',
The db='iqiyi,
Cursorclass=MySQLdb. Your cursors. DictCursor,

# pipeline dafault function # this function is the function called pipeline default
Def process_item (self, item, spiders) :
Query=self. Dbpool. RunInteraction (self) _conditional_insert, item)
Return the item

# # insert the data to the databases inserted the data into the database
Def _conditional_insert (self, tx, item) :
Lenname=len (item [' name '])
The item [' classification '] *=lenname
In the range for n (lenname) :
Tx. The execute (" select * from tv1 where name=% s ", (item [' name '] [n]))
Result=tx. Fetchone ()
If the result:
The else:
SQL="insert into tv1 (name, classification, albumid tvid) values (% s, % s, % s, % s)"
Tx. The execute (SQL, (item [' name '] [n], item [' classification '] [n], item [' albumid '] [n], item [' tvid] [n]))

CodePudding user response:

Dude, do you have the answer, I climbed in electricity data, also appeared a lot of repeated data, and apparently no electricity all data to climb down, solving ah,

CodePudding user response:

May be connected to the mysql module has a problem, there is a problem query python torndb abnormal occasionally it is not an error is a normal return an empty, so I think you'd better add a unique constraint to the mysql or switch to other connection modules such as sqlalchemy is heavy

CodePudding user response:

To solve, I also met the same problem,

CodePudding user response:

To solve, I also met the same problem, solved? An answer here, but did not understand at https://segmentfault.com/q/1010000003070627/a-1020000005151057

CodePudding user response:

I also encountered this problem, the solution is to switch to a regular expression parsing, don't use xpath,
I don't know why, master

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor uiuiy1 response:
may be connected to the mysql module has a problem, there is a problem query python torndb abnormal occasionally it is not an error is a normal return an empty, so I think you'd better add a unique constraint to the mysql or switch to other connection modules such as sqlalchemy relatively heavy point

Add a unique constraint database, there are still, try other ways

CodePudding user response:

refer to 6th floor kore__yoshi response:
Quote: refer to the second floor uiuiy1 response:

May be connected to the mysql module has a problem, there is a problem query python torndb abnormal occasionally it is not an error is a normal return an empty, so I think you'd better add a unique constraint to the mysql or switch to other connection modules such as sqlalchemy relatively heavy point

Add a unique constraint database, there are still, try other ways to

Added the only constraint is really nb, also can have duplicate data, database Fried days

CodePudding user response:

I encountered similar problems, climbed out of the data is right, put in storage to duplicate,
Problems in

Position 1:
Position 2: query=self. Dbpool. RunInteraction (self. _Cate_insert asynItem)
Position 3
_Cate_insert ()
Position 4

This sentence, the sentence before print to file is right,
After printing will go wrong,
Have repeat have lost, but that number is the same,

When _Cate_insert (), asynItem has changed,

That means execution order is:
Position 1:
Position 2:
Position 3:
Position 4:

So the question is out in this sentence is asynchronous,
AsynItem, the object, the problems appeared in the sharing,

CodePudding user response:


The import copy

# object copy, deep copy
AsynItem=copy. Deepcopy (item)
Query=self. Dbpool. RunInteraction (self. _Cate_insert asynItem)

Refer to the problem, acutely

CodePudding user response:

The upstairs be great ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

CodePudding user response:

Try the original poster inside the PIPELINES under 30 to 37, the FOR loop and SQL to query is amended as:

 tx. Executemany (SQL, the list (zip (item (' name '), the item [' classification '], item [' albumid '], item [' tvid ']))) 

It is said that using executemany insert much faster,

CodePudding user response:

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