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Why I can't install a third-party library Main


Collecting the main
Using cached main - 0.1. Tar. Gz (1.1 kB)
Building wheels for collected packages: the main
Building the wheel for the main (setup. Py) : started
Building the wheel for the main (setup. Py) : finished with status' error '
Running the setup. Py clean for the main
Failed to build the main
Installing collected packages: the main
Running the setup. Py install for main: started
Running the setup. Py install for main: finished with status' error '

DEPRECATION: The - b/build/- build - dir/build - directory option is deprecated. The PIP 20.3 will remove The support for this functionality. A possible replacement is use The TMPDIR/TEMP/TMP environment variable, possibly combined with - no - clean. You can find The discussion regarding this at https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8333.
ERROR: the Command errored out with the exit status 1:
The command: "C: \ Program Files \ Python38 \ python exe '- C u -' import sys, setuptools, tokenize; Sys. Argv [0]='"' "' C: \ \ Users \ \ krypt \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ Temp \ \ pycharm - packaging \ \ the main \ \ setup py '"'" '; A __file__='"' "' C: \ \ Users \ \ krypt \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ Temp \ \ pycharm - packaging \ \ the main \ \ setup py '"'" '; F=getattr (tokenize, '"' "' open '"'" 'to open) (__file__); Code=f.r ead (). The replace (' "'" '\ r \ n' "'" ', '"' "' \ n '"'" '); F. lose (); The exec (the compile (code, a __file__, '"' "' exec '"'" ')) 'bdist_wheel - d' C: \ Users \ krypt \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ PIP - wheel - _hfinq7t '
CWD: C: \ Users \ krypt \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ pycharm - packaging \ main \
Complete the output lines (6) :
Running bdist_wheel
Running the build
Running build_scripts
Creating the build
Creating the build \ scripts - 3.8
Error: No [Errno 2] to a file or directory: 'main'
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ERROR: Failed building wheel for main
DEPRECATION: Could not build the wheels for the main which do not use the PEP 517. The PIP will fall back to legacy 'setup. Py install' for these. PIP 21.0 will remove the support for this functionality. A possible replacement is to fix the wheel build issue reported above. You can find the discussion regarding this at https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8368.
ERROR: the Command errored out with the exit status 1:
The command: "C: \ Program Files \ Python38 \ python exe '- C u -' import sys, setuptools, tokenize; Sys. Argv [0]='"' "' C: \ \ Users \ \ krypt \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ Temp \ \ pycharm - packaging \ \ the main \ \ setup py '"'" '; A __file__='"' "' C: \ \ Users \ \ krypt \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ Temp \ \ pycharm - packaging \ \ the main \ \ setup py '"'" '; F=getattr (tokenize, '"' "' open '"'" 'to open) (__file__); Code=f.r ead (). The replace (' "'" '\ r \ n' "'" ', '"' "' \ n '"'" '); F. lose (); Exec (the compile (code, a __file__, '"' "' exec '"'" ')) 'install - record' C: \ Users \ krypt \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ PIP - record - 5 teuzsfy \ install - record. TXT '- single - version - externally - managed, compile, install - headers' C: \ Program Files \ Python38 \ Include \ main'
CWD: C: \ Users \ krypt \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ pycharm - packaging \ main \
Complete the output lines (6) :
Running the install
Running the build
Running build_scripts
Creating the build
Creating the build \ scripts - 3.8
Error: the file 'C: \ Users \ krypt \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ pycharm - packaging/main/main' does not exist
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ERROR: the Command errored out with the exit status 1: 'C: \ Program Files \ Python38 \ python exe' - C u - 'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; Sys. Argv [0]='"' "' C: \ \ Users \ \ krypt \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ Temp \ \ pycharm - packaging \ \ the main \ \ setup py '"'" '; A __file__='"' "' C: \ \ Users \ \ krypt \ \ AppData \ \ Local \ \ Temp \ \ pycharm - packaging \ \ the main \ \ setup py '"'" '; F=getattr (tokenize, '"' "' open '"'" 'to open) (__file__); Code=f.r ead (). The replace (' "'" '\ r \ n' "'" ', '"' "' \ n '"'" '); F. lose (); Exec (the compile (code, a __file__, '"' "' exec '"'" ')) 'install - record' C: \ Users \ krypt \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ PIP - record - 5 teuzsfy \ install - record. TXT '- single - version - externally - managed, compile, install - headers' C: \ Program Files \ Python38 \ Include \ main' Check the logs for full command output.
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