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Huawei switch import license


Step 1: on the FTP service, here is ipop
FTP 10.100. 7.0.x.x
Trying 10.100. 7.0.x.x...
Press CTRL + K to abort
Connected to 10.100 X.X.
220 FTP Server ready.
The User (10.100. 7.0.x.x: (none)) : aaa
331 the Password required for aaa.
Enter the password:
230 User aaa logged in.
Step 2: change the mode
[FTP] binary

200 Type set to I.[FTP] dir
Type set to 200 A.
200 the Port command successful.
150 Opening data connection for the directory list.
DRW FTP FTP - rw - rw - 1 0 Jun 09 ephod.
DRW FTP FTP - rw - rw - 1 0 Jun 09 ephod..
FTP FTP - rw - rw - rw - 1, 17639 Mar 31, 2319765336 when _tc9ux4lajarpnhd. PDF
FTP FTP - rw - rw - rw - 1, 2289 Jun 09. 15:18 LICCLOUDENGINE6800_V200R005_20110609G2B560 dat

226 File sent ok

200 Type set to I.Step 3: obtain license file
[FTP] get LICCLOUDENGINE6800_V200R005_20110609G2B560. Dat
213, 2289,
200 the Port command successful.
150 Opening data connection for LICCLOUDENGINE6800_V200R005_20110609G2B560. Dat.
100% \ [* * * * * * * * * * *]
226 File sent ok

FTP: 2289 byte (s) received in 1.172 second (s) 1.906 Kbyte (s)/SEC.
Step 4: activate the license, to perform an action
License active LICCLOUDENGINE6800_V200R005_20110609G2B560. Dat
Now activing the license...
Info: The license file is verified successfully, but there are some minor errors, o
ESN mismatch
Warning: This operation maybe use the trial license home current license, may be reduce the current resource or functions provides on slot 2. Continue?
[Y/N) : Y
Now activing the license... Done.
Info: Succeeded in activating the license file on the board.
Info: Succeeded in activating the license file on the board.
Step 5: check whether the license effective
Disp license
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