Home > other >  [experience] [le billiton USB oscilloscope free trial serial] DIY expansion boards and combinational
[experience] [le billiton USB oscilloscope free trial serial] DIY expansion boards and combinational


A, DIY extension plate profile, and welding
LOTO oscilloscope DE - 15 interface provides a variety of hardware resources, the simple DIY recently released an open source extension board PCB, compatible with all LOTO oscilloscope models use,
Use the extension board on LOTO oscilloscope, can give you a DIY circuit provides 5 V, 5 V, 3.3 V three kinds of power supply, some models can also provide 3 IO, provide the PWM wave all the way, all the adjustable DC voltage reference source, logic analysis of channel 4 ~ 6 road, can also bring in signal generator module, introduced two road isolation difference module, two way current module, etc.,

Purchasing after receiving the Courier count accessories

Before welding principle diagram, tools ready to

Good welding patch element

After the welding effect

A photo taken with OSC482 and PC

Second, combinational logic circuit test

Trial is mainly used in teaching, the writer just recently electronic technology foundation for digital part arranged a combinational logic circuit test experiment, the experiment through the early stage of the training room after experiment and experiment of lectures to students better grasp the situation, plan to deepen the experiment, through the use of LOTO virtual oscilloscope and DIY extension board to demonstrate it again with an nand gate or door experiments,

Combinational logic circuit test

74 ls00 nand gate

In line with the responsible attitude, and not directly to multimedia classroom or recorded in class, first complete yourself again experiment, the results were overturned,

DE - 15 and DIY extended board is Io mouth 1-3, but PC extension Io DIY part is Io mouth 2-4, will update the data, via contact staff to hope staff update!!!!!!
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