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ESP32 Arduino IDE installation common problem solutions


I bought a ESP32 from taobao, the arrival of the goods had Arduino IDE development environment set up, after I check a lot of information on the Internet, suspected ESP32 is broken, the environment setting with three genius climbed out of the hole, the following is the specific setup process:

1. Download the Arduino IDE 1.8.9 development environment installed

2. To the Arduino. Cn to download the installation package ESP32

3.安装成功后,在工具-开发板-ESP32中选择ESP32 DEV Module(请大家根据自己购买的ESP开发板型号选择对应的设置),在这一步我遇到了一个问题,端口选择功能是灰色的无法选择,选择例程编译成功后,无法上传,上网查资料,采用CP2102芯片需要单独安装驱动,我查看ESP32上的芯片无法看清是否有CP21012芯片,于是我安装了USB驱动,故障现象没有消失,端口依然是灰色的,此时我开始怀疑我买的ESP32是坏的,因为我之前买的Arduino NANO运行时插电后灯是常亮的,而ESP32只是闪烁几下后就不亮了,联系淘宝卖家客服,客服最后给我文档,只是普通的安装手册无法解决问题,具体的问题客服人员也无法回答,此时,我找到了之前购买的Arduino NANO,插上后端口变为可操作的状态,编译,上传一气呵成,演示程序顺利闪灯,此时有一个小细节我忽略了,两块芯片用的USB口不一样,所以我用了不同的线,NANO的线上有多个USB口,当我插错口时,NANO的端口也是灰色的,后来问题解决后我才回忆起这个细节,此刻我越来越确定是ESP32本身的问题,我把搜索的关键字中的中文偶尔祛除后,我发现国外网站有人提到USB电缆线有一种是专门负责充电的,不能传输信号,我更换手机充电USB线后,突然发现端口可用了,这个问题整整耗费了我一天的时间,简直哭笑不得,我回想起我的这个USB线是给床头小夜灯充电用的,确实不是给手机用的,

4. After the success of the compilation, still can't find the program uploads, originally uploaded when need to hold the BOOT key ESP32 board, and that the NANO difference is quite big, after the success of the upload, and then press the RESET button, a serial port monitor returns the result of the program is running, is mixed feelings at the moment,

CodePudding user response:

Arduino me or forget it, it is recommended to use the eclipse programming tool + flies to the compiler

CodePudding user response:

It seems that you not do the hardware design,
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