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Converting a multi-index dataframe to an excel format with the headers on top and reduction in repea


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I have been trying to convert a multi-index pandas dataframe to the excel format (below) without success. I have tried using a pivot (and group by) for the multi-indexing, but in each case cannot get the number series (price) to augment to a single row without splitting out the dataframe and doing it manually ... "first name" and "mail" could be many columns with repeating rows, each for the car, term and price. Ideally, I need to see a row for each "client" with a series of prices under the index levels as headers.

arrays = [
    ["tesla", "tesla", "toyota", "toyota"],
    ["12", "24", "12", "24"],
tuples = list(zip(*arrays))
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=('Car', 'Term'))

df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4,1), index=index)
df1['email']='[email protected]'

df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4,1), index=index)
df2['email']='[email protected]'

df3 = pd.concat([df1, df2])    
df3.columns = ['price', 'first name', 'mail']
# Output =>
                price first name            mail
Car    Term                                     
tesla  12    0.181242        joe    [email protected]
       24   -1.292235        joe    [email protected]
toyota 12   -1.446640        joe    [email protected]
       24    1.119652        joe    [email protected]
tesla  12   -0.101694       john  [email protected]
       24   -0.980943       john  [email protected]
toyota 12   -1.004959       john  [email protected]
       24    1.737056       john  [email protected]
# Desired => 
                                 tesla               toyota 
                                 term                 term  
first name     mail         12          24         12        24
joe       [email protected]   0.181242   -1.292235   -1.44664    1.119652
john     [email protected]  -0.101694   -0.980943   -1.004959   1.737056

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Closer but not exactly like your desire since Term is one of MultiIndex names from columns,

df4 = df3.pivot(index=['first name', 'mail'], columns=['Car','Term'], values='price')
df4.to_excel('test.xlsx', merge_cells=True)

enter image description here

You can check print(df4.columns)


MultiIndex([( 'tesla', '12'),
            ( 'tesla', '24'),
            ('toyota', '12'),
            ('toyota', '24')],
           names=['Car', 'Term'])

As you might guess, print(df4.index)


MultiIndex([( 'joe',   '[email protected]'),
            ('john', '[email protected]')],
           names=['first name', 'mail'])


Removing columns' multi-index names

df4.columns.names = (None,None)
df4.to_excel('test.xlsx', merge_cells=True)

enter image description here

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