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AnalysisException: need struct type but got string


I have created a table in Databricks

create table TabA (latitude float, longitude float, col1 string,col2 string)

utils.executequery( """ update TabA set col1 = ST_Envelope(col2)""" ) I tried converting this output as string but getting error as _tostring() not supported
utils.executequery(""" optimize TabA """)

utils.executequery( """ update TabA set latitude = col1.Lat""" )
utils.executequery(""" optimize TabA """)

utils.executequery( """ update TabA set longitude= col1.Long""" )
utils.executequery(""" optimize TabA """)

I am getting the error

col1#22613: need struct type but got string

I tried casting the "col1" as string, but I was not able to solve this exception. How do I solve it?

CodePudding user response:

Your error must be coming from col1.Lat and col1.Long. Since your col1 is string, you cannot use dot . notation such as col1.Lat, because this notation is for struct data type, not for string.

Consider this example:

df = spark.createDataFrame([('x', (1.0, 2.0))], 'string_col:string, struct_col:struct<lat:double,lon:double>')

# root
#  |-- string_col: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- struct_col: struct (nullable = true)
#  |    |-- lat: double (nullable = true)
#  |    |-- lon: double (nullable = true)

#  ---------- ---------- 
# |string_col|struct_col|
#  ---------- ---------- 
# |         x|{1.0, 2.0}|
#  ---------- ---------- 

The following SQL query works, because I address the struct type column and successfully extract the field lon:

spark.sql('select struct_col.lon from TabA').show()
#  --- 
# |lon|
#  --- 
# |2.0|
#  --- 

But the following SQL query fails, because I try to do the same on the string tyoe column.

spark.sql('select string_col.lon from TabA').show()

AnalysisException: Can't extract value from string_col#617: need struct type but got string; line 1 pos 7

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